Danny Dyer credited as playing...
- Steve: Shit, I've left Gordon's foot on the coach... sorry mate.
- [the group is at breakfast the day after Steve ate the hallucinogenic mushrooms]
- Maggie: Are you still tripping?
- Steve: No, no. Why are you naked?
- [last lines]
- Steve: Foursome?
- Steve: [Trousers round his ankles, urinating] Listen - now I know we're mates, but if you look at my cock one more time, I'm gonna kick off.
- Billy: What are you talking about? I have not once looked at your winkie!
- Harris: [after Steve finds a tooth in the pie] Bit young to be losing your teeth, Steve.
- Steve: It's not my tooth.
- Richard: What?
- Jill: Could it be the cow's tooth?
- Steve: A cow with gold fillings?
- Billy: Dating's complicated in England.
- Steve: English birds ain't complicated. You buy 'em a Bacardi Breezer and they'll ride you like Sea Biscuit.
- Steve: Just saw a geezer in a balaklava with a suitcase... No... more of a travel bag.
- Steve: [In response to Bill saying he likes Maggie] No offence mate, but you've got more chance of getting shit from a rocking horse.
- Gordon: [Steve is eating magic mushrooms, the coach sharply stops] Anyone need first aid?
- Steve: I might do in about 20 minutes...