If you've been to enough comedy blockbusters or watched enough television blooper shows, you may feel as if you have heard every line flub, seen every camera crash, and watched every animal embarrassment possible. But there are several things which separate the 'Mystery Science Theater 3000 Poopie!' bloopers from all the others.
First, the show has puppets. You wouldn't believe how funny a puppet decapitation can be.
Second, the surreal nature of the show itself. Even the few not-so-funny gags are watchable because everything looks and sounds so ridiculous.
Third, the performers are ACTUALLY FUNNY. The show is all about a guy and two robots heckling a horrible movie, and while most of the heckling is pre-written after watching the film several times over, the process still requires quick comebacks. And it transfers into 'Poopie!' Many times, the funniest part of a 'Poopie!' blooper is not the mistake itself but the remarks people make after it, the actors heckling each other. Only a few of my favorites: "Sing the Praises of Pants" becomes something completely different; Servo's remark "I love movies like that!"; and the Super Freak Out V. The Spider!
Most of the best stuff is in the first half (a kind way of saying it kind of loses steam over time), but there is enough stuff in the second half (including a great bonfire) to keep you watching.