Power Rangers in Space (TV Series)
The Enemy Within (1998)
Kenny Graceson: Elgar
Dark Specter : Astronema, those Psycho Rangers nearly caused my destruction.
Astronema : Thanks to me, they were destroyed before that happened.
Elgar : Uh, don't you mean thanks to the Power Rangers?
[Astronema glares at him]
Elgar : I mean, thanks to *you*. Duh! What was I thinking?
Astronema : It was I who orchestrated the defeat of the Psycho Rangers. I would never let any harm come to you, Dark Specter.
Dark Specter : You are a loyal servant, indeed, Astronema.
Astronema : I was so close. Dark Specter was almost destroyed.
Elgar : Whoa. Wait a second. I'm a little confused. Whose side are you on?
Astronema : I'm on *my* side. And if you're smart... you'll keep your mouth shut.
Elgar : Oh, yeah, gotcha. Don't have to draw me a picture. I can take a hint.
[Astronema zaps him as he leaves]
Astronema : Both the Rangers and Dark Specter will soon bow down at my feet.