26 of 56 found this mild
A young couple are in bed about to have sex. They kiss and the camera zooms in as he kisses the girl's stomach. They are interrupted, possibly before sex occurs. This scene is a sensual scene.
A man and a woman kiss while lying in bed: very mild and not near sex.
A young man and his girlfriend kiss a couple of times.
A girl is frequently seen in a bikini.
10 of 20 found this moderate
A man places his hand over a woman's nose and mouth smothering her (we see her struggle briefly and then die).
A woman's head is pushed into a swimming pool, she struggles (we see her face under water) and then drowns and we see her floating motionless in the water.
A man slams a glass vase into another man's head knocking him unconscious and we then see the man wrapping a plastic bag over the man's head smothering him (he struggles briefly).
A man attacks a woman and shoves her down a flight of stairs (we hear cracking and she moans while lying motionless on the floor with her legs twisted).
A man with a large knife chases a woman, she hides in a room, the man breaks the door open, and she stabs him in the neck with a shard of a broken mirror (we see blood on his neck and her hand); he stumbles and falls into a bathtub.
A man and a young man fight: they crash through a window and out onto a roof, the man falls over the side, he grabs the young man and they both fall to the ground and they lie unconscious.
A man tries to grab the foot of a young man climbing up an attic ladder, the young man kicks him in the face, the man falls to the floor, gets up and climbs into the attic where three people are hiding; he threatens a young man with a knife, and the young man falls through the floorboards.
A young woman threatens a man with an electric saw, and she and a woman fall through the floorboards (we see the woman with a broken leg and blood on her pants).
A man punches a young woman in the face, she falls unconscious and we see her with blood on her mouth.
A man walks casually through a house where there are several dead bodies (a woman and children) on the floor and across furniture; we see gray-tinged faces and a bloodstained rug.
11 of 20 found this mild
"God____" is said by a couple characters 6 times. Sh__ is said several times throughout the movie.
1 obscene hand gesture, 2 sexual remarks, 7 scatological terms, 3 anatomical terms, 4 mild obscenities.
11 of 16 found this mild
A woman takes one half of a prescription sleeping pill.
People drink wine and beer at a party.
A man and a young man drink shots of alcohol.
Three women drink alcohol at a bar.
A man and a woman drink wine in a few dinner scenes.
A man drinks a beer.
A woman holds a cocktail and takes a sip from a straw.
9 of 21 found this moderate
A few jump scares throughout, most of them come out of nowhere with no tension leading up to them.
This movie has plenty of tension and some violence, though most of it is relatively bloodless.
One murder take place onscreen (as well as fighting, attacks, etc.).