Peter Stormare credited as playing...
Norman Hail
- Sophie: So what's the big idea?
- Dr. Arthur Hail: The idea? I'll give you one cookie; in return, you open up and tell me all your deep dark secrets.
- Sophie: Well, here's a deep, dark secret for you, Doc - I hate cookies.
- Sophie: Yeah, it wasn't really a very friendly welcome chaining us to some cement blocks and then nearly half-drown...
- Dr. Arthur Hail: Each one of you have emotionally, psychologically and even physically kept your parent chained to a block of concrete day and night for years now, so we think it's only fair to let our newcomers experience what it must feel like to be in your parents' shoes, if only for one night.
- Dr. Arthur Hail: [watching the girls kick Sophie in a group assault] Every time we give these kids the proper incentive, they will rise to the occasion.
- Dr. Arthur Hail: When did you first realize that you couldn't trust Ben?
- Ben's Father: It was only a short while ago. Uh, frankly, it came outta nowhere. Uh, that's why it was so painful for us. He told us that his girlfriend dumped him.
- Dr. Arthur Hail: Sophie.
- Ben's Father: That's right. He took it real hard, and, uh, before that we never had any problems. Ben convinced us your program would help him.