Not the greatest plot for a One Piece film ever It is just a treasure hunt, which is a thrilling but very typical activity, after all. As is usually the case with One Piece, it includes some interesting twists and humor. The art is, of course, simply the same as the standard One Piece series's artwork. I'm aware that some people think One Piece's artwork is appalling, but I just believe that those people aren't very understanding and that One Piece's work is pretty distinctive and different from a lot of other works. Thus, I believe that the art's quality simply depends on one's perspective. Some of the best anime music and sound effects can be found in One Piece. This film is worthy of its reputation. As easy as that.
If you're a fan of One Piece, you probably already know what an incredible cast the show has. However, this is about the film. Putting the main characters aside, this film has a unique One Piece character style that contributes to the show's excellence. A dumb but seemingly brilliant primary antagonist who is destined to dominate the world, an elderly, two-foot-tall baasan who is locked in a treasure chest, and two of his obedient goons who have afros and mohawks One of the best things about One Piece has always been its characters, and this movie is no exception. Although I wouldn't rank this as the greatest One Piece film ever created, it is still quite enjoyable and well worth seeing. Ideal method to pass the time till the next show airs while enjoying a charming side story. If you're concerned about it, you won't feel like you're watching a pointless filler while watching this movie. Overall, certainly give it a watch, odds are you'll appreciate it.