This is a really flat movie that I have seen, but it's not the worst in the series. There's not that much to the story because not that happened other than the characters are hunting for someone and discovered a truth. The whole plotline about the father accused of murder ended pretty quickly because the movie shows the monster pretty early, so we already know that his not the murderer. Most of the movie isn't that interesting to watch because there's little interesting ideas to be found in this movie and is really dull for most of the time. The scenes with the creature aren't that exciting because he doesn't do that much other than shooting vines at his victims and twisting with it. It is really obvious what it is. The climax itself is underwhelming, and I didn't like how the movie ended. I do think it's interesting to have a swamp creature as the villain because movies rarely use it. The creature does have a unique design on it, but the CGI doesn't look impressive at all. There's also a backstory to it, but I wish it was flesh-out more to be interesting and have more details to it.