This is the postmortem story of Eva Perón whose embalmed corpse endured a bumpy journey that lasted 22 years, as bumpy as her life had been. Evita died in 1952, but her body remain not buried for three years, waiting for the construction of a monumental burial site that was never built. In 1955, the military overthrew Perón and hid Evita's remains for 19 years to prevent it from becoming a weapon against the regime. A political figure for six years and the wife of General Perón, Evita's deceased body influenced Argentinian politics for more than two decades and became the center of a peculiar story and part of Argentinian folklore. For the military regime, dead Evita was even more dangerous than her being alive. They all feared her not buried corpse blindly wandering without a final resting place. This is the legend of the body that was never buried.