Ando betrays Kaiji by selling his extra star and it doesn't take long for Furuhata to desert him as well. After Kaiji finding his way out, he confronts his former allies. With his new wealth, Kaiji buys the freedom of another man, Ishida.
The final match of E-Card begins and Kaiji decides to go for another life-or-death gamble, as he is determined not to leave without winning ¥20 million. The round begins as Kaiji is about to pull his last trick.
Kaiji shows everyone that Otsuki is cheating, then tricks the foreman into betting again while they use their own special dice, making Otsuki lose 2,535,000 perica in total. When Otsuki was about to give up, Kaiji lands his finishing blow.
Having figured out Tonegawa's method of cheating, Kaiji throws a violent fit in the bathroom to attempt to defeat the sensors in his ear. Too late, Tonegawa realizes Kaiji's trick, who now challenges him for the 12th and final round.
The remaining 8 wants to give up but Tonegawa ignores their pleas of mercy. Soon, only Kaiji, Sahara and Ishida remain. Before he falls, Ishida hands his ticket to Kaiji to give to his wife. Sahara panicking, and begins to run.
The Chairman draws the winning piece, and Kaiji prepares to have his fingers severed. As Kaiji departs with his severed body parts in a bag of ice, he realizes how experienced and cunning Chairman Hyodo is. However he still wants revenge.
The 9th match begins. Kaiji changing his play at the last moment. The chairman punishes Tonegawa for losing, making Kaiji suspicious. He realizes that they are cheating. Now confident, Kaiji bets 18mm, risking more than just his hearing.
When the foreman sees the large bet, he suspects that Kaiji has discovered how he is cheating with a special dice. Otsuki is forced to play with normal one, but then on the last throw he uses his special dice, and Kaiji grabs it.
Kaiji's friends cash in ¥729 million. During a night of drinking, Endo drugs them, leaving Kaiji just over ¥61 million. On the day the Forty-fivers arrival, Kaiji is too ashamed to meet them but one of the men in black takes pity on him.
Kaiji manages to beat his opponent. The Chairman takes pleasure in forcing Tonegawa to bow, pressing his head onto a red-hot griddle for 10 seconds. Kaiji realizes that the real demon is the sadistic Chairman, and swears to defeat him.