Exposing her bare leg and describing herself as half-Yeti, Vanessa says she needs to go shave her legs for her Zoom date--yet her leg is already clean-shaven.
While masturbating with Brandon over a private Zoom call, Vanessa receives text messages from Miles and Donna to "Turn on Zoom" and include them in the call, and blindly reaching a hand out from under the sheets she unwittingly does just that, yet she would have had no idea who the messages were from or what the request was since her head was also under the bed covers.
Isolated in lockdown, Vanessa tells Brandon she hasn't worn her bra, seen lying on the sofa, in weeks, yet the well-endowed actress playing Vanessa is clearly not braless.
Very angry that some of the information Brandon provided over the Internet was a lie, Vanessa breaks up with him, yet as someone perfectly content in a job where she posts untold lies daily to mislead the public, she is hardly in a position to accuse others of unethical behavior.