72 of 115 found this to have none
There is a french kiss between two girls.
25 of 71 found this moderate
A severed arm is shown in the water. Very graphic.
In one scene, there are quick shots shown of a dead man with his chest torn open and it is very graphic. His insides are shown, and lots of explicit graphic detail is shown.
A dead whale is shown with a huge bite taken out of it. Graphic.
A scene where many dead sharks and whales are shown. Graphic.
A man gets out of the water and he is shown with no leg. Very graphic.
A shark bites a woman and she has half her body in the sharks mouth. The shark bites down and blood splatters all over the shark.
A man is shown with his arm missing. Very graphic.
A dead shark is being examined on a table. It is cut open. Very gory and graphic. Many other injuries are shown on the shark.
In one scene, two people are both eaten and ripped apart by many sharks. Very gory. A shark is shown swimming away with someone's arm, one person is shown headless, armless, and a leg missing. Very, very graphic.
A man is bit by a shark. He is shaken around a lot and then ripped in half. Bloody and very graphic.
30 of 48 found this mild
2 uses of F word.
2 obscene hand gestures.
24 of 50 found this mild
33 of 62 found this severe
Suggested MPAA score: Rated R for bloody creature violence and some language.