The Boosh's second (televised) foray into a live production may catch a lot of flak from some, but unfairly so, I say. The first show was a good mix of original jokes and nods to the TV show, and it actually followed a story. This one...not so much. Future Sailors seems more like a parade, as the boys briefly (and somewhat patronizingly) show off a host of familiar characters for a few minutes of rehashed jokes and "improvised" stage mishaps that quickly become tiresome. That's definitely the detracting factor, and you may even skip a few bits out of boredom. That's okay. Come for the Boosh, stay for the music. Oh yee gods, THE MUSIC.
Ignoring the only slightly-funny character and joke retreads, if you come into FS expecting a concert, the experience changes considerably for the better. Whereas Boosh Live is heavy on story, Sailors doles out one helluva musical experience with complete reckless abandon (thereby balancing each other out). A good number of the songs and crimps from the TV series appear here ON STEROIDS. Remember Eels? That 1:10 minute-long song? Noel Fielding- joined by the entire Boosh Band- manages to stretch it out to nearly 10 minutes, and it is AWESOME. In fact, every song and crimp performed is pumped up to an exciting, satisfying level. Future Sailors ends with a delightfully twisted, show-stopping crimp medley that totally brings the house down (and is joined by a few familiar, surprise faces).
The budget is noticeably larger this time around as well, most notably in character costumes and set design. This too greatly benefits Future Sailors in ways Boosh Live did not.
Oh, and if you were upset at all about Sugar Puffs' seemingly plagiarism of The Boosh's crimp style in a recent advert, let's just say due retribution is served here.