The Spanish soap opera commercial. The main character's eye patch switches back and forth from right eye to the left eye.
During the first turkey hunt, the matchstick hanging out of Captain Standish's mouth keeps switching sides.
Turkeys can be eating pizza in the film, but in real life, pizza contains high amounts of salt, greasy, calories, sugar, and sweetness that are harmful for turkeys to eat, and may cause health problems.
The turkey characters are constantly seen manipulating things with their "hands" at the end of their wings. Turkeys do not have hands. The ends of their wings do not have bones or muscles and cannot be flexed like fingers. Only cartoon turkeys have hands.
The villagers toss dynamite at the turkeys. Dynamite was invented in 1867.
At around 27 minutes in, Captain Standish has a wooden match in his mouth. Friction matches were invented only in the 1820s.
The rifles used in by the Pilgrims are percussion cap rifles first invented in 1807.