Bill Paxton credited as playing...
Master Sergeant Farell
- Master Sergeant Farell: Battle is the Great Redeemer. It is the fiery crucible in which true heroes are forged. The one place where all men truly share the same rank, regardless of what kind of parasitic scum they were going in.
- Cage: Master Sergeant Farell, you're an American.
- Master Sergeant Farell: No, sir. I'm from *Kentucky.*
- [after Cage gets killed attempting to roll under a speeding truck]
- Master Sergeant Farell: What the hell were you thinking?
- Master Sergeant Farell: Two minutes to drop, it's all right to be scared. Remember, there is no courage without fear.
- Master Sergeant Farell: I see everyone is having a productive morning. You know it gives me a swell of pride knowing soldiers of your... caliber will be leading the charge tomorrow. Tip of the spear. Edge of the knife.
- [Sees the card game sticking out under the sheet]
- Master Sergeant Farell: Crack of my ass.
- Master Sergeant Farell: Take care of Private Cage.
- Griff: What, all day?
- Master Sergeant Farell: Something tells me it won't be nearly that long.
- Master Sergeant Farell: Knock off the grab ass!
- Cage: Grab this, Sarge!
- Master Sergeant Farell: Hold up! Drop and give me...
- Cage: Fifty, Sarge?
- Master Sergeant Farell: That's right, fifty. Platoon! Drop and give me fifty, compliments of Private Cage.
- Master Sergeant Farell: Can I help you, sir?
- Cage: [looks confused]
- [talks solemnly]
- Cage: Sergeant Farell?
- Master Sergeant Farell: [Takes a glimpse at the tag name on his own uniform] That is my name.
- [smiles]
- Master Sergeant Farell: I think I get it, what was it? Poker night? Bachelor party?
- Cage: [Still looks confused]
- [talks solemnly]
- Cage: You know, I'm not sure.
- [Having awoken from another death, Cage races through the base to find Sgt. Farell pulling up in a Jeep]
- Cage: Sgt. Farell! Sgt. Farell!
- Master Sergeant Farell: [bemused] Can I help you, sir?
- Cage: [frantic] My name is Major Bill Cage. I'm U.S. Army Media Relations. I was not at a bachelor party or a poker game. You have an order in your front pocket that says I'm a deserter caught impersonating an officer. But what it doesn't say is... your name is Master Sergeant Farell from Science Hill, Kentucky. If you give me 30 seconds to explain how I know that, you may save the lives of every soldier on this base.
- [Smash cut to Cage being dragged by two men led by Sgt. Farell]
- Cage: [screaming] You have to listen to me! They know we're coming! They're waiting for us! I have been there! I've seen it! You're all doomed! You're doomed!