The movie's ''Carnifex'' title is derived from the Latin scientific and zoological genus name for the extinct Australian mega-fauna species of ''Thylacoleo Carnifex''.
Titles considered for this Aussie horror movie according to its director Sean Lahiff included ''Don't Look Up'' and ''Death from Above'' with the former actually being used recently for a feature film [See: Don't Look Up (2021)].
This Australian eco-thriller horror movie will have an official associated tie-in video-game with the same name the license for which has been attained by the Mighty Kingdom company. This video game is set for release in 2023 across both PC and console platforms. The game will capture the anxiety-ridden exploration of 'Carnifex' and will be set against the equally beautiful and brutal backdrop of the Australian landscape. The videogame will be a narrative-driven experience as players are stalked by the iconic terrifying species.
''Carnifex'' is also the name of a Dutch 2016 low-budget made-for-video horror movie [See: Carnifex (2016)].
Before the Swedish cinema release of the film, the marketing used the hashtag #WhatIsCarnifex, and after the release they used the hashtag #ISawCarnifex.