NO VACANCY AKA THE HELPERS is a horror film in which every scene makes you feel like you have seen something like this before. Perhaps the most original aspect of it is that it attempts (in its earlier parts, at least) to combine elements of found footage with normal story-telling, but curiously, the camera angles under "normal mode" are chosen such that it feels even more like found-footage, and so when it switches modes, it becomes a little confusing.
What really does this movie in, however, is not the lack of originality or botched handling of different modes of story-telling, but the barrage of implausibilities from start to end.
The seven(!) friends do not get even a little suspicious that they are being offered free food, drinks and board? Really? And then, when the killings start, they don't avail themselves of the many objects lying around to defend themselves? The plot twist was better than having no twist at all, but it was still underwhelming, in part, again, because it seemed so implausible. And what was up with the epilogue? Is this now about the undead?
Several scenes were filmed in a way that made it obvious how the film tried to manipulate the audience into a sense of dread. Of course, many movies, and especially horror films, try to manipulate the audience into experiencing certain emotions. The art lies in doing it in a way that the audience does not notice it. In that regard, the film failed, too.
Finally, there is an unevenness in the movie which I think makes it difficult fo the film to find its audience: the earlier killings have a strong torture porn feel, whereas the later ones are more reminiscent of standard action-thriller movies.
All in all, quite a forgettable film.