Mike Epps credited as playing...
Black Doug
- [Marshall brings Stu, Phil, and Alan to his villa]
- Marshall: Leslie Chow never lived here. You didn't break into his old house, you broke into MY house.
- Phil: I don't understand.
- Marshall: You didn't get back the gold he stole from me. You got the other half that he didn't.
- Stu: Oh, my GOD!
- Phil: You mean the half he never had?
- Marshall: He's a world-class rat, and you 3 were his accomplices.
- Stu: We had no idea!
- Phil: We were trying to help you! We thought you'd be happy!
- Marshall: [sarcastically] Thank you so much! Thank you for ripping me off! Thank you for desecrating my home! And THANK YOU FOR KILLING MY FUCKING DOGS!
- Stu: We didn't kill your dogs! They're just tranquilized.
- Marshall: Oh, right. You don't know. Chow snapped their necks on his way out.
- Stu: What?
- Black Doug: And somebody's gotta pay.
- Marshall: He's right.
- [points his gun at the Dougs]
- Doug: No no no no, NO!
- [Marshall shoots Black Doug and his body splashes into the pool]
- Marshall: My head of security, couldn't stop 3 fuck-ups and a Chinaman with a pair of wire cutters. Unreal.
- Alan: [sees Black Doug] Hey, you're Black Doug! That's Black Doug!
- Black Doug: Shut the fuck up with that. Shut the fuck up.
- Stu: Oh my God. It is. Alan, tell me right now why is Black Doug kidnapping us?
- Black Doug: I said don't call me that shit no more! It ain't Alan's fault.
- Alan: Thank you, Black Doug.
- Black Doug: Ooh! Mother fuck...! I will... Fucker!
- Alan, Phil: Doug! Okay, okay. Just Doug, okay?
- Phil: Why are you doing this?
- Marshall: Because
- [pauses]
- Marshall: I told him to. I'm Marshall. And whether you know it or not, we all have something in common, and it all started four years ago, when this moron sold the wrong drugs to this dumb fuck.
- [to Alan]
- Marshall: You have no idea the chain of events that were set in motion that night. In the parking lot of a fucking liquor store.