- San Francisco Chronicle [Mick LaSalle]
- A Certain Point of View [Alex Diaz-Granados]
- A Good Movie to Watch [Christina Hale]
- Andy's Film Blog [Andy Kaiser]
- Blu-ray.com [Brian Orndorf]
- ColeSmithey.com [Cole Smithey]
- Combustible Celluloid [Jeffrey M. Anderson]
- Dennis Schwartz [Dennis Schwartz]
- Die Nacht der lebenden Texte [Volker Schönenberger]
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- DVD Talk - Blu-ray [Ian Jane]
- Eye for Film [Jennie Kermode]
- Film-Forward.com [Lisa Bernier]
- Filmleaf [Chris Knipp]
- Flickering Myth [Trevor Hogg]
- Fr. Dennis at the Movies [Dennis Kriz]
- FRR [Michael Pattison]
- Haiku Review [Daniel J. Hoag]
- HollywoodChicago.com [Patrick McDonald]
- HollywoodGlee [Larry Gleeson]
- indieWIRE [Eric Kohn]
- It's Movie Time [John DeSando]
- Mark Reviews Movies [Mark Dujsik]
- Mediacritica.it [Lapo Gresleri]
- Italian
- Movieplayer.it [Antonio Cuomo]
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- Movies Ltd. [zerVo]
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- Pasadena Art Beat [Jana J. Monji]
- Reeling Reviews [Robin Clifford, Laura Clifford]
- ReelTalk [Donald Levit]
- Screen Comment [Craig Younkin]
- ScreenAnarchy [Eric D. Snider]
- Shockya.com [Joe Belcastro]
- Shockya.com [Karen Benardello]
- Slant Magazine [Joseph Jon Lanthier]
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch [Joe Williams]
- St. Paul Pioneer Press [Chris Hewitt]
- SuperMarcey.com [Marcella Papandrea]
- TailSlate.net [Brian Milinsky]
- The A.V. Club [Noel Murray]
- The Hollywood Reporter [David Rooney]
- The New Yorker [David Denby]
- The Star-Ledger [Stephen Whitty]
- Thrill Me Softly [Stefan Hedmark]
- Time Out New York [Joshua Rothkopf]
- Tiny Mix Tapes [Paul Bower]
- Variety [Alissa Simon]
- What to Watch
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