Ryoo Seung Wan, known for previous box office hits such as Veteran, The Battleship Island, Exit, and Escape from Mogadishu offers a new addition of aquatic crime action genre that's refreshingly great...
The plot is actually about betrayal and diving, but the story is delivered very well by the tension of the dramatic action sequences and the great actings of all the lead characters...
Smugglers have a larger-than-life feel from the very first shot, when a grand drone shot shows us all the striking beauty of sailing the sea on a sunny day, and every further scene maintains that energy...
Kim Hye-soo proves why she remains one of the country's most popular actresses, while Yum Jung-ah manages to stay subtle & underplayed...The fight before climax proves what Koreans are capable once again when it comes to gangster genre...will definitely raise your eyebrows...
The two leads have incredible chemistry even when they are at each other's suspicion leading to double or even a triple crossing making a unique script to relish...