Documentarian J.J.J. explores what happened to the actors from the cult film The Room after appearing in what Entertainment Weekly called "The Citizen Kane of bad movies."
Documentarian J.J.J. visits two actors from cult film The Room who have embraced their "celebrity" status and are using it for personal gain. Also, J.J.J. is hiding a dark secret in his basement.
Philip takes to "the bush" 500 miles from civilization to escape being recognized as "Denny from The Room," but when two Room fans stumble upon his campsite, his sanity is tested.
Dan-J channels Chris-R as the toughest stay-at-home dad on the block. But when a rival dad points out that Dan is nothing like Chris-R, Dan must figure out how to regain his status as the neighborhood "badass."
Robyn Paris' quest to find her authentic voice takes her back to Hollywood, where she struggles to escape the "O-face" and a growing perversion with chocolate.
Kyle Vogt works at a pet store where he uses his reputation as Peter from The Room to meet hot women. When he propositions the wrong woman, Kyle finds himself in hot water, until Greg Ellery steps in to take his place.
Carolyn Minnot (Claudette from The Room) plays matchmaker when she tries to set up her daughter Lisanne on a date with a Tommy Wiseau look-alike. When the date goes south, Carolyn makes a move on the Tommy doppelgänger herself.
In this searing final episode, a funeral for a member of The Room crew brings the cast together again. When events take a shocking turn, the Room actors agree to appear on JJJ's completely original reality show, "7 Bad Actors in a House."