Arrow (TV Series)
Legends of Yesterday (2015)
John Barrowman: Malcolm Merlyn
Oliver Queen : Thank you for coming. I know this is more than a little crazy.
Barry Allen : Yeah, well, your friend with the creepy ring asked so nicely. Please tell me we're not going to negotiate with terrorists. Or, you know, 4,000 year old bad guys.
Oliver Queen : Just think of this war as a fact-finding mission. Maybe Savage slips up and gives us something that we can use to our advantage.
Malcolm Merlyn : [scoffs] Thea said you were being a little more humorous lately.
Barry Allen : I'm sorry, how do you know so much about Savage, anyway?
Malcolm Merlyn : I don't know anything about him, Mr. Allen. No one does. That is why I'm afraid of him.
Vandal Savage : That's not the only reason to be afraid of me. I assure you.
Barry Allen : Savage may be immortal, but he's not a God.
Malcolm Merlyn : No, but he's the next best thing.
Malcolm Merlyn : [gathering Vandal Savage's ashes] Your hate will be everlasting. Your enmity will never die. It will follow them from this life into the next, and the next... and the next. You owe me one, buddy.