Arrow (TV Series)
Legends of Yesterday (2015)
Casper Crump: Hath-Set, Vandal Savage
Oliver Queen : Thank you for coming. I know this is more than a little crazy.
Barry Allen : Yeah, well, your friend with the creepy ring asked so nicely. Please tell me we're not going to negotiate with terrorists. Or, you know, 4,000 year old bad guys.
Oliver Queen : Just think of this war as a fact-finding mission. Maybe Savage slips up and gives us something that we can use to our advantage.
Malcolm Merlyn : [scoffs] Thea said you were being a little more humorous lately.
Barry Allen : I'm sorry, how do you know so much about Savage, anyway?
Malcolm Merlyn : I don't know anything about him, Mr. Allen. No one does. That is why I'm afraid of him.
Vandal Savage : That's not the only reason to be afraid of me. I assure you.
Vandal Savage : [to Barry] The only way for you and yours to live through this is to render onto me what is mine. Turn over Prince Khufu and Princess Chay-ara within 24 hours or I will lay waste to this city, killing everyone that you hold dear.
[to Oliver]
Vandal Savage : And after that, I will travel to your home and do the same thing there.
Barry Allen : All right, I'm just curious: did you rehearse that speech in a mirror this morning, or is this all just off the cuff?
Vandal Savage : The sky rocks have come to do their work. And my hatred will be everlasting. My enmity will never die. And I'll follow you from this life to the next, and to the next and to the next.
Vandal Savage : Why would you risk the lives of your friends and family for two strangers? 206 times I have killed them. What hubris possesses you that makes you think that you can prevent me from doing so again?
Barry Allen : Not hubris. Hope.
Vandal Savage : I came to this meeting out of curiosity. It is now sated. Bring Khufu and Chay-Ara to Jurgens Industrial in twenty-four hours or I will see you dead and buried under the bodies of your loved ones.