Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) Poster

Paul Rudd: Scott Lang, Ant-Man



  • Scott Lang : [shrunk down to a child's size; runs into Pym's car after going undercover in a school] 

    Dr. Hank Pym : Hiya, champ, how was school today?

    Scott Lang : Aw, ha ha ha! Alright, get your jokes out now, can you fix the suit?

    Hope van Dyne : So cranky.

    Dr. Hank Pym : You want a juice box and some string cheese?

    Scott Lang : Do you really have that?

  • Scott Lang : Hold on, you gave her wings?

    Dr. Hank Pym : And blasters.

    Scott Lang : Wings and blasters. So I take it you didn't have that tech available for me.

    Dr. Hank Pym : No, I did.

  • Scott Lang : [sees Sonny Burch on a ferry that sails away]  How did he even have time to buy a ticket?

    [tries to shrink down to his miniature size by pressing a button] 

    Scott Lang : Won't you just, one time, please, work!

    [successfully shrinks down to his miniature size] 

    Scott Lang : Yes! Oh, alright, I need help. Yes!

    [calls in a flying ant, though it is eaten by a bird] 

    Scott Lang : Oh... sorry.

    Scott Lang : [calls in another flying ant, but it is again eaten by a bird]  Hey! Come on, man! Not cool!

    [the same thing happens with multiple other flying ants] 

    Scott Lang : Murderers!

    [one flying ant catches him and starts to fly him to the ferry] 

    Scott Lang : Yes! I'm gonna call you ANT-onio Banderas!

    [another bird eats ANT-onio] 

    Scott Lang : No, no!

    [lunges off the flying ant and starts falling] 

    Scott Lang : ANT-onio!

  • [last lines] 

    Scott Lang : Hello? Ha-ha, very funny. Hank, quit screwing around. You told me yourself, not screw around.

    [cut to Dr. Hank Pym, Hope van Dyne and Janet has all been disintegrated] 

    Scott Lang : Hank? Hope? Janet? Guys... Guys? Be seriously, don't joke around! Bring me up, let's go! GUYS!

  • Jimmy Woo : You got away with it this time, Scott, but I'll be seeing you again.

    Scott Lang : Where?

    Jimmy Woo : Huh?

    Scott Lang : Where will you be seeing me again?

    Jimmy Woo : Like, in general I'll see, like, the next time you... do something bad I'll be there...

    Scott Lang : Oh.

    Jimmy Woo : catch you.

    Scott Lang : You'll be watching and...

    Jimmy Woo : Yeah.

    Scott Lang : I thought you were inviting me somewhere.

    Jimmy Woo : Why would I do that?

    Scott Lang : That's what I was wondering. Why would you do that? I...

    Jimmy Woo : Like a party? Or dinner or something?

    Scott Lang : I don't know, I thought you were...

    Jimmy Woo : No, I meant...

    Scott Lang : ...planning the evening.

    Jimmy Woo : No, I meant to, like, arrest you.

    Scott Lang : No, that'd be a little strange.

    Jimmy Woo : Like, I'll arrest you later again.

    Scott Lang : Take it easy.

    Jimmy Woo : Okay.

    [turns to leave then turns back to Scott] 

    Jimmy Woo : Did you want to grab dinner or something? Because, I mean -

    [Scott shakes his head no] 

    Jimmy Woo : Because I'm free...

  • Hope van Dyne : Oh, my God. You *didn't* destroy the suit?

    Dr. Hank Pym : WHAT?

    Scott Lang : Well, it was your life's work, Hank. I couldn't destroy that. Before I turned myself in, I shrunk it down and mailed it to Luis.

    Dr. Hank Pym : You sent my suit through the MAIL?

    Scott Lang : Hey, the postal service is very reliable, you know? They do tracking numbers now. Like UPS.

  • Dr. Hank Pym : Relax. No one's gonna recognize us.

    Scott Lang : What, because of hats and sunglasses? It's not a disguise, Hank. We look like ourselves at a baseball game.

  • Scott Lang : I had a dream. She was playing hide and seek with a little... girl. Cassie and I do it all the time. It doesn't mean anything.

    Hope van Dyne : But, was it Cassie in the dream?

    Scott Lang : No.

    Hope van Dyne : Where was she hiding?

    Scott Lang : What?

    Hope van Dyne : The little girl, where was she hiding. Was it in a wardrobe?.

    Scott Lang : No, in a tall dresser

    Dr. Hank Pym : You mean a wardrobe.

    Scott Lang : Is that what that's called?

  • Dr. Hank Pym : Last night we powered up the tunnel for the first time. It overloaded, and it shut down. But for a split second, the doorway to the Quantum Realm was opened.

    Scott Lang : And?

    Hope van Dyne : And five minutes later, you called. Talking about Mom.

    Dr. Hank Pym : We think when you went down there, you may have entangled with her.

    Scott Lang : Hank, I would never do that. I respect you too much.

    Dr. Hank Pym : *Quantum* entanglement, Scott.

  • Dr. Bill Foster : I was partners with Hank on a project called Goliath.

    Dr. Hank Pym : Excuse me? You were my partner?

    Dr. Bill Foster : The only thing more tiring than going big was putting up with Hank's bullshit.

    Scott Lang : Right... I don't know. How big did you get?

    Dr. Bill Foster : My record? 21 feet.

    Scott Lang : Not bad.

    Dr. Bill Foster : You?

    Scott Lang : I don't...

    Dr. Bill Foster : No, really. I'm curious.

    Scott Lang : 65 feet. Yeah.

    Dr. Bill Foster : Whoa! Huge.

    Scott Lang : 65.

    Hope van Dyne : If you two are finished comparing sizes... we need to figure a way to track down the lab.

  • Hope van Dyne : What took you so long?

    Scott Lang : Sorry, I had to come up with a name for my ant. I'm thinking Ulysses S. Gr-Ant.

  • Dr. Hank Pym : Just tell me you weren't lying about the suit you took. Tell me you really destroyed it.

    Scott Lang : I did. I destroyed it. I swear.

    Dr. Hank Pym : I can't believe you destroyed my suit! That was my life's work.

  • Cassie : There! It's the microtreasure!

    Scott Lang : My trophy?

    Cassie : It looks like treasure.

    Scott Lang : Oh, it is to me.

    Cassie : I wanna take it to show and tell.

    Scott Lang : Oh, you can't do that. Can't. It never leaves the house. It's too important. This is the best birthday present you ever got me. I'm so touched you think I'm the 'World's Greatest Grandma.'"

    Cassie : It was the only one they had.

    Scott Lang : Makes me wanna knit you a sweater.

  • Cassie : Why can't you just leave my daddy alone?

    Jimmy Woo : Oh, Cassie. This must all seem like a bunch of confusing grown-up stuff to you, huh? Well, think of it this way. Your school has rules, right? Like, you can't draw on the walls. Well your daddy went to Germany and drew on the walls with Captain America. And that was a violation of Article 16, Paragraph Three of the Sokovia Accords. Now, as a part of his joint plea deal with Homeland Security and the German government... he was allowed to return to the U.S. provided he serve two years under house arrest followed by three years of probation. And avoid any unauthorized activities, technology or contact with any former associates who were or currently are in violation of said Accords. Or any related statutes. Ok, sweetie?

    Scott Lang : Wow, you're really great with kids.

    Jimmy Woo : Thanks, I'm also a youth pastor.

  • Scott Lang : Anyone seen a Southern gentleman carrying a building?

  • Dr. Hank Pym : So I'm a terrible partner? Foster, he hasn't had one good idea in his unremarkable career.

    Hope van Dyne : But his idea about the diffractors could work, right?

    Dr. Hank Pym : Fine, one decent idea. Except I eliminated the diffractors when I upgraded the suits.

    Scott Lang : So, if we had an old suit, we might be able to track down the lab?

    Dr. Hank Pym : Yes, but we don't.

    Scott Lang : What if we did?

    Hope van Dyne : What do you mean?

    Scott Lang : I mean... life's funny.

  • Hope van Dyne : [hearing Scott describe his dream]  What color was it?

    Scott Lang : Red.

    Hope van Dyne : Where there horses on it?

    Scott Lang : Oh, boy.

    Hope van Dyne : It's where I hid every time that we played.

    Scott Lang : It doesn't sound like you really got the gist of the game.

    Hope van Dyne : [hugging Hank]  She's alive.

  • Cassie : I had a fun weekend, Daddy.

    Scott Lang : Me too, peanut. But just wait 'til next weekend. Once I'm out of here, you and I are gonna go paint this town red. We'll have so much ice cream, we'll never stop puking.

    Maggie : [pantomiming retching, he "throws up" playing cards]  You're getting good at that.

    Paxton : How'd you do that?

  • Jimmy Woo : Not to be a Johnny ask-a-lot, but you haven't had any contact with Hank Pym or Hope van Dyne, have you?

    Scott Lang : No.

    Jimmy Woo : You sure? Because it's only a matter of time before we get 'em. It was their tech, so they violated the Accords, too. And associating with them breaks your deal. And, uh, I don't need to remind you that any violation of your agreement means 20 years in prison. Minimum.

    Scott Lang : I haven't talked to Hank or Hope in forever.

    Cassie : They hate his guts.

    Scott Lang : [sarcastic]  Thanks, peanut.

    Jimmy Woo : How'd you do it, Scott?

    Scott Lang : Do what?

    Jimmy Woo : The card trick.

    Scott Lang : Seriously?

  • Scott Lang : Come on, Woo. I've got three days left. Why would I try to escape?

    Jimmy Woo : Sorry, Scott, but rules are rules. You trip the perimeter alarm, we search the place. Keel to stern, soup to nuts.

    Scott Lang : [an agent accidentally drops something and it breaks]  Thank you. It was an accident. My foot went through the fence.

    Cassie : Our flying ant crashed.

    Scott Lang : [seeing Woo's look]  Hey, you try and entertain a ten-year-old when you can't leave the house. You know the lengths that I've gone to?

    [conjuring a playing card] 

    Scott Lang : Close-up magic.

    [conjuring the card from behind Cassie's ear] 

    Scott Lang : I learned that.

  • Cassie : Don't just stand there! Let's bounce before the po-po come back!

    Scott Lang : Po-po? How do you even know that?

  • Luis : I mean, we gotta land this bird.

    Scott Lang : He ain't goin' anywhere. And the expression is "land this fish."

    Luis : No, it's "land the bird." Just like you land the plane. You gotta land the plane to be in business.

    Scott Lang : I know it's silly to get hung up on these kinds of things, but I do.

    Luis : How am I gonna land a fish? It can't walk. And if it swam up on shore, and it battled a hawk, who's gonna win?

    Scott Lang : You've really turned me around on this thing.

  • Scott Lang : Now, we're sure this is our shrunken building and not someone else's, right?

  • Scott Lang : So, uh, how do we find the lab?

    Dr. Hank Pym : After we lost it the first time... I put on a new tracker... of sorts.

    Scott Lang : [a swarm of ants in the sky forms a giant directional arrow]  That'll work.

  • Dr. Hank Pym : Janet, how is this possible?

    Hope van Dyne : It wasn't a message you put in Scott's head. It was an antenna.

    Scott Lang : Clever girl. I'm so proud of you.

    Dr. Hank Pym : Honey, tell us where you are. Tell us how to find you.

    Scott Lang : No, the probability fields are too complex. That's why I needed to talk to you. You have to follow my voice.

    Dr. Hank Pym : [realizing]  Of course!

    Hope van Dyne : Like tracing a call back to its source.

  • Hope van Dyne : [seeing the Wasp suit materialize]  Scott?

    Ant-Man : What're you two just standing around for? We gotta go find that lab.

    Dr. Hank Pym : What about me?

    [an FBI jacket and cap materializes with a pair of sunglasses] 

    Dr. Hank Pym : Perfect.

  • Cassie : Trying to help people isn't dumb.

    Scott Lang : Well... I screw it up just about every time.

    Cassie : So maybe you just need someone watching your back. Like a partner.

    Scott Lang : Well, she's made it clear that's about the last thing she wants.

    Cassie : Who?

    Scott Lang : Hope.

    [seeing her look] 

    Scott Lang : Wait, who did you think?

    Cassie : Me.

    Scott Lang : You?

    Cassie : Don't laugh. I'd be a great partner.

    Scott Lang : Aw, peanut. Aw. You would be awesome. And if I let you, I would be a terrible dad.

  • Hope van Dyne : Scott, what are you doing?

    Dr. Hank Pym : Scott, get away from that!

    Hope van Dyne : Scott, you can't...

    Scott Lang : I'm sorry, I don't know how much time I have. I need to fix the algorithm. Trust me, after thirty years down here... I've thought about it a lot.

    Dr. Hank Pym : Janet?

    Scott Lang : [affectionately cupping his face]  Hi, honey.

    [turning to Hope] 

    Scott Lang : Oh, Jelly Bean.

    Hope van Dyne : Mom?

    Scott Lang : It's not the reunion I'd imagined. It's all so rushed. You two have done such great work. You just need a little... nudge.

    [the quantum tunnel powers up] 

  • Dr. Hank Pym : I'm tracking your signal using subatomic frequencies between .2 and .9.

    Scott Lang : I'd narrow it to four and six.

    Dr. Hank Pym : That's too tight. We could miss you.

    Scott Lang : Look at us squabbling again.

    Dr. Hank Pym : Fine. All right, between three and seven.

    Scott Lang : Our first fight in decades, and it's over just like that.

    [the system locks on] 

    Scott Lang : Bullseye.

    Hope van Dyne : Source lock.

    Dr. Hank Pym : It's you.

    Hope van Dyne : [laughing in triumph]  We got it!

    Scott Lang : You have to meet me at these exact coordinates. In the wasteland, beyond the quantum void. It's very dangerous, especially on the human mind, so be careful. Time and space work very differently down here. You have two hours. After that, the probability fields will shift, and it'll be another century before they align like this again.

    Hope van Dyne : We'll find you.

    Scott Lang : I know you will, Jelly Bean.

    [suddenly "waking up"] 

    Scott Lang : Nope. Nothing. I got nothing. No sign of Janet. Perfect.

    [looking around] 

    Scott Lang : How did we get up here?

    [realizing they're holding hands, he looks suspiciously at Hank] 

  • Dr. Bill Foster : Calm down, Hank.

    Dr. Hank Pym : [strained]  So help me God... the pills.

    Hope van Dyne : It's his heart! He needs his pills. Please, Dr. Foster. They're in the tin. Please. He could die! For Chr... come on!

    Scott Lang : Help him!

    Hope van Dyne : Dad, just hang on, all right? Just keep breathing. Stay calm.

    Scott Lang : Help him, man! Come on!

    Hope van Dyne : The Altoid tin!

    Ava : [Foster grabs the tin]  Wait!

    Scott Lang : [as Foster opens it, giant ants spring out; one cuts their restraints]  Thanks, guys.

  • Scott Lang : You have to take me home. They could show up any second!

    Hope van Dyne : Relax. As far as your nanny cops know, you're still at home.

    [he sees he's free of his ankle monitor] 

    Luis : [at Scott's house, he startled to see a giant ant on the couch]  Whoa! Scotty?

    Hope van Dyne : He's programmed to replicate your daily routine. Nine hours in bed. Five hours in front of the TV. Two hours in the bathroom, whatever that's about.

    Scott Lang : That's totally inaccurate. And how do you know about my daily routine? Are you spying on me?

    Hope van Dyne : We keep tabs on all security threats, all right? And so far, the biggest one we've had is you.

  • Hope van Dyne : We think she might have put some kind of a message in your head. Hopefully, a location. And opening the tunnel triggered it.

    Scott Lang : Your mom put a message in my head? Come on. That's insane.

    Dr. Hank Pym : No, Scott. Insane is going to Germany without telling us and fighting the Avengers.

  • Scott Lang : Hey, Hank. It's been a while. Um, I don't even know if this is your number anymore. And I'm... I'm probably the last person you wanna hear from, but... I just had a really weird dream. And I know that doesn't sound like an emergency or anything, but it just felt very real. I was back in the quantum realm, and I think I saw your wife. And then I was your wife. I mean, not, you know, in a weird way or anything. You know, hearing this out loud, I'm thinking, uh, it's not an emergency. I'm sorry to bother you. I'm sorry for a lot of things.

  • Ant-Man : Hope, what are you doing? You're heading away from the rendezvous point.

    Hope van Dyne : Don't worry. I'm taking these guys on the scenic route.

    Ant-Man : [seeing they're headed towards Lombard Street]  Wait, what're you... oh!

  • Hope van Dyne : Really? This guy again?

    Ant-Man : Who?

    Sonny Burch : I told you our business wasn't over.

  • Janet Van Dyne : Your pain. I can feel it.

    Ava : It hurts. It always hurts.

    Janet Van Dyne : I'm sorry. I think I can help you.

    [she uses her quantum powers to restore Ava to solid form] 

    Scott Lang : [watching with Hank]  Did you know she could do that?

  • Scott Lang : I'm sorry, all right? I'm... I didn't think I'd get caught.

    Hope van Dyne : You didn't think about a lot of things.

    Scott Lang : How's Hank?

    Hope van Dyne : We're still running. The house is gone, so is our freedom. How do you think he is?

    Scott Lang : I'm sorry. I know you're mad.

    Hope van Dyne : I'm not looking for an apology, Scott. The only reason why we're even talking is because we need what's in your head.

  • Hope van Dyne : What do you want?

    Sonny Burch : Relationships are built on trust, Hope. And I want our relationship to have a strong foundation.

    Hope van Dyne : Our relationship?

    Sonny Burch : My business landscape has been shifting, Hope. Hell, S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra don't even exist anymore, but now, Hank, Pym... Hank Pym is a real opportunity.

    Hope van Dyne : Do you have a point?

    Sonny Burch : Oh, you think that I don't know what you've been building with all this? Quantum technology. Now, you can forget nanotech, forget AI, forget cryptocurrency. Quantum energy is the future. It's the next gold rush.

    Hope van Dyne : Is that so?

    Sonny Burch : I want in, Hope. So, as a gesture of good will, I have taken the liberty of arranging some buyers for your lab. Starting bid, $1 billion.

    Hope van Dyne : Thank you, Sonny, really. But my father and I have something slightly more pressing than starting a business. So I'll just take the component as arranged.

    Sonny Burch : My buyers don't take no for an answer. So we are either in business together, or we aren't in business together.

    Hope van Dyne : Then I guess we aren't.

    Sonny Burch : You can go. But I'm afraid your money's gonna have to remain. Let's call it compensation for my injured feelings.

    Hope van Dyne : Listen, Sonny. This is gonna be so much easier on everybody if you just give me that component.

    Sonny Burch : Darlin', the only thing you're taking from here is my heart, but it will mend in time.

    Hope van Dyne : Okay.

    Scott Lang : [watching the feed]  So, now what?

    Dr. Hank Pym : You'll see.

  • Sonny Burch : You know, I have a... a special friend at the FBI. And I say special because, well, he tells me things that I didn't previously know. For example... your name isn't Susan. It's Hope van Dyne. And your unseen associate, that's your father, Hank Pym.

    Scott Lang : [watching a surveillance feed]  That's not good, Hank.

    Dr. Hank Pym : No shit.

  • Dr. Hank Pym : Ava, I want to help you.

    Dr. Bill Foster : She doesn't need your help. I know how to save her.

    Dr. Hank Pym : Oh, really? How?

    Ava : Janet.

    Dr. Bill Foster : For the last thirty years, she's been down there absorbing quantum energy. We can extract that energy. We can use it to repair Ava's molecular structure...

    Dr. Hank Pym : Extract it?

    Dr. Bill Foster : Yes.

    Dr. Hank Pym : Are you insane? That would rip Janet apart.

    Dr. Bill Foster : You don't know that. I'm gonna fire up your tunnel. When Janet's location pops into Lang's head, he's gonna give it to me, or I'm gonna turn him over to the FBI.

    Scott Lang : What?

    Dr. Bill Foster : You are gonna stay here just in case I need your help.

    Dr. Hank Pym : Like hell I would help you!

    Ava : You'll do whatever I say.

    Dr. Hank Pym : You're gonna kill Janet!

    Ava : I'd be more worried about yourself, Hank.

  • Hope van Dyne : The sooner we get the tunnel working, the sooner we can get this message out of his head.

    Dr. Hank Pym : Does Burch have it?

    Hope van Dyne : Yeah. Let's go.

    Scott Lang : What part? Who's Burch? Wait, what's happening?

  • Ava : Dr. Foster did his best to keep me safe. But others at S.H.I.E.L.D. saw an opportunity in my affliction. They built me a containment suit, so I could control my phasing. And trained me to be a stealth operative. They weaponized me. I stole for them. Spied for them. I killed for them. And in exchange for my soul... they were going to cure me. They lied.

    Dr. Bill Foster : When S.H.I.E.L.D. collapsed, I took Ava in. I built the chamber to slow her decay, but her condition was progressive. I didn't know how to cure it.

    [a phone begins buzzing and quacking] 

    Dr. Bill Foster : She wanted to kill you, Hank, but I told her no, and that she should watch you instead. And sure enough, she discovered that you were building the tunnel.

    [the buzzing and quacking continues] 

    Dr. Bill Foster : Then she told me about Lang. And the message from Janet inside his head...

    [the buzzing and quacking continues] 

    Dr. Bill Foster : ...that's when I... Christ's sake!

    Scott Lang : That's me. I'm sorry. Look, can you tell me who's texting me?

    Dr. Bill Foster : "Cassie, 911."

    Scott Lang : That's my daughter. I need to text her back.

    Dr. Bill Foster : No, that's not happening.

    Scott Lang : What, it's 911. That means it's an emergency.

    Dr. Bill Foster : You're not making demands here, Lang. You're not appreciating the gravity of the...

    Scott Lang : [the phone begins ringing]  Okay, look, she's trying to video chat me now. Something might be wrong. Let me talk to her. Please.

  • Scott Lang : Work-in-progress my ass!

  • Scott Lang : I do some dumb things, and the people I love the most - they pay the price.

  • Scott Lang : Now, if you just excuse me, I'm in the middle of trying to steal something with my daughter.

  • Dr. Bill Foster : It's incredible. Your link to Janet. It's Quantum entanglement, between the quantum states composed of her molecules and your brains.

    Scott Lang : Yeah. That's what I was thinking. Do you guys just put the word 'quantum' in front of everything?

  • Scott Lang : You know, my Pap-pap always said if you wanna do something right, you make a list. So, we should do that. One, we have to break into that lab. Two, we have to kick out Foster and Ghost. Three, we have to fight Ghost. That seems like it should be part of 2. 2-A. Right? Let's call it 2-A. Fight Ghost, 2-A. Oh! Also, we have to make sure that the lab is fully grown for you to come back. Otherwise we're screwed...

  • Scott Lang : So, this is it.

    Hope van Dyne : Yeah. You'd think with all this time to prepare, I'd be more ready.

    Scott Lang : Oh, going subatomic isn't something you can prepare for. It kind of... melts your mind.

    Hope van Dyne : I mean seeing my mom again.

    Scott Lang : Oh.

    Hope van Dyne : What if she's a completely different person?

    Scott Lang : Yeah, like, uh, George Washington.

    Hope van Dyne : I'm serious, Scott.

    Scott Lang : Or George Jefferson.

    Hope van Dyne : What if she's forgotten about me?

    Scott Lang : When I was in prison... the only thing that got me through was Cassie. I could have been locked up for a hundred years, I never would have forgotten her. I know your mom is counting the minutes until she can see you again.

  • Janet Van Dyne : Scott

    Scott Lang : Ms. Van Dyne. It's nice to... well, I guess we've already met.

    Janet Van Dyne : Yeah. I guess we have.

  • Hope van Dyne : Don't ever touch him again.

    Ava : Now, now, Hope, I think I'm being rather gentle with your father, all things considered

    Dr. Hank Pym : What the hell are you talking about?

    Dr. Bill Foster : [entering]  Another casualty of Hank Pym's ego.

    Dr. Hank Pym : Bill. What have you done?

    Ava : It's what you've done, Dr. Pym.

    Scott Lang : You're with her? Oh, man. I thought you were cool.

  • Dr. Hank Pym : [mid-credits scene]  I used to be a respected scientist. I had my names on the sides of buildings. Now, I got this.

    Janet Van Dyne : Well, you wanted a smaller quantum tunnel. This is... smaller.

    Scott Lang : [accidentally honks the truck horn]  Oh. Sorry. My bad.

    Janet Van Dyne : Ah, I think it has flair.

    Scott Lang : All right. Control's online.

    Hope Van Dyne : The collection unit activates when you decouple it. It should automatically start absorbing quantum healing particles.

    Janet Van Dyne : Also, make sure you stay out of the tardigrade fields. They're cute, but they'll eat you. And don't get sucked into a time vortex. We won't be able to save you.

    Hope Van Dyne : Okay. Going subatomic in five, four, three, two, one.

    [Scott is sucked into the quantum realm tunnel] 

    Dr. Hank Pym : All right, Scott, this is a mic check.

    [brief silence] 

    Scott Lang : Mic check, one, two. One, two. How's everybody doing tonight in the quantum realm?

    Dr. Hank Pym : Scott, we read you.

    Scott Lang : I just wanna make sure.

    [opens the collection unit, which automatically absorbs healing particles] 

    Scott Lang : Okay. Healing particles secured for our new Ghost friend.

    Janet Van Dyne : Great. Preparing for re-entry in five, four, three...

    [radio static] 

    Scott Lang : Hello? Ha, ha. Very funny. Hank, quit screwing around. You told me yourself not to screw around.

    [the roof where they are stationed reveals that Hank, Hope, and Janet have turned to dust] 

    Scott Lang : Hank? Hope? Janet? Guys. Guys. Okay, seriously, don't joke around. Bring me up! Let's go! GUYS!

  • Hope van Dyne : What took you so long?

    Scott Lang : She just wanted to give me a hug, wish me luck.

    Hope van Dyne : Really?

    Scott Lang : Yeah.

  • Hope van Dyne : [fights Ghost in her Wasp suit, though Ghost disappears; over the comm]  Dad, are you seeing this?

    Dr. Hank Pym : [watching Hope on the monitor with Scott]  Hope, get out of there?

    Ava : [reappears and flips Wasp onto a table] 

    Scott Lang : I gotta do something!

    [goes to leave] 

    Dr. Hank Pym : Wait!

    [takes out a miniature Ant-Man suit for Scott] 

    Dr. Hank Pym : He's still a work in progress.

  • Scott Lang : My life doesn't make sense.

  • Scott Lang : Why are you wearing that?

    Probability Clone : Because I work at Baskin-Robbins, these are normal clothes. Why are you wearing that?

    Voice in Crowd : Do you have ice-cream?

See also

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