Dwayne Johnson credited as playing...
Black Adam • Teth Adam
- [Black Adam drops two soldiers, Hawkman catches them]
- Hawkman: We don't kill people!
- Teth-Adam: They're still living.
- Hawkman: Because I saved them!
- Teth-Adam: I knew you would save them, that's why I could drop them. We got the information we needed, and they're not dead. I did it your way.
- Kent Nelson: He has a point.
- Teth-Adam: Five thousand years ago, Kahndaq was a melting pot of cultures, wealth, power and magic. But most of us had nothing, except for the chains around our necks. Kahndaq needed a hero... instead, they got me. I did what needed to be done, and they imprisoned me for it. Now, five thousand years later, I am free. And I give you my word: no one will ever stop me again.
- Amon Tomaz: Where are you going?
- Teth-Adam: I shouldn't be here.
- Amon Tomaz: You don't feel any loyalty to us at all?
- Teth-Adam: Not really, no.
- Amon Tomaz: You're not seeing the full possibilities here. I don't know what it was like in ancient times, but having superpowers is kind of a big deal in our world. Maybe clean up your outfit a little bit, get a cape, change your name.
- Teth-Adam: Teth Adam is a very strong name.
- Amon Tomaz: It's a little outdated. And you definitely need a catchphrase. Something blackout bad-ass to say right before you absolutely cook some dude.
- Teth-Adam: I don't waste words on the dead.
- Amon Tomaz: Well, yeah, kind of like that, but more catchy. I was thinking, like, "Tell them the Man in Black sent you."
- Teth-Adam: Them?
- Amon Tomaz: You know, gods, demons... Whoever's waiting for us in the afterlife. And you wear a lot of black, so we should really lean into that. My point is, you could be famous. Magazines, lunch boxes, video games. And the superhero industrial complex is worth a lot of money.
- Teth-Adam: I don't need a box for my lunch.
- Amanda Waller: Okay, Black Adam. My name is Amanda Waller. Congratulations, you have my attention. This is going to be your only warning: you don't want to stay in my prison, that's fine, Kandaq is your prison now. You step one foot outside of it, you will not live to regret it.
- Black Adam: There's no one on this planet that can stop me.
- Amanda Waller: I can call in a favor and call in people who aren't from this planet.
- Black Adam: Send them all.
- Superman: It's been a while since anyone's made the world this nervous. Black Adam. We should talk.
- Amanda Waller: Okay, "Black Adam." My name is Amanda Waller. Congratulations, you have my attention. This is gonna be your only warning. You don't to stay in my prison, that's fine. Kahndaq is your prison now. You step one foot outside of it, you will not live to regret it.
- Black Adam: There's no one on this planet that can stop me.
- Amanda Waller: I can call in a favor and send people who aren't from this planet.
- Black Adam: Send them all.
- Amanda Waller: As you wish.
- Amon Tomaz: I know you have a lot to catch up on. But, I was thinking we could help each other.
- Teth-Adam: Move.
- Amon Tomaz: I'm Amon, by the way.
- Teth-Adam: I didn't ask for your name.
- Amon Tomaz: You're Teth Adam, right? Everyone in Kahndaq knows your story.
- Teth-Adam: I said move.
- Amon Tomaz: My mom said you took out a bunch of Intergang soldiers in the desert.
- Teth-Adam: Because they wouldn't move out of my way.
- [Teth-Adam sits on the throne of Kahndaq]
- Amon Tomaz: How does it feel?
- Teth-Adam: Wrong.
- [destroys the throne]
- Teth-Adam: I have a knack for destroying bullies. But there are some who think I need help: Hawkman, Dr Fate, and their new recruits Cyclone and Atom Smasher. They call themselves the Justice Society, an organization that believes in fighting for truth and justice. Well, I'm going to teach them, the only beliefs I fight for are mine. Welcome to truth, justice and the Black Adam way!
- Teth-Adam: [interrogates an Intergang member] Let's start with one simple question: Can you fly?
- [throws him into the air]
- Teth-Adam: It was you who spoke. You woke me.
- Adrianna Tomaz: I didn't have a choice. I'd be dead if it hadn't worked.
- Teth-Adam: The men in my tomb, they were your enemies?
- Adrianna Tomaz: Yes.
- Teth-Adam: Then your enemies are vanquished, condemned to the eternal sleep of the damned.
- Amon Tomaz: Actually, we still have a lot of enemies that need vanquishing.
- Teth-Adam: Then destroy them.
- Amon Tomaz: Intergang have guns and flybikes and Eternium rockets. We have my mom.
- Teth-Adam: Prove your strength. Destroy your enemy and all he cares about. Make him beg for mercy, but deny it until his final breath.
- Adrianna Tomaz: Interesting, okay? I appreciate what you did for me, but I do not want you teaching my son violence.
- Teth-Adam: I understand.
- [refers to Karim]
- Teth-Adam: You want his father to teach him violence.
- Adrianna Tomaz: Gross, that's my brother.
- Karim: That's my sister.
- Adrianna Tomaz: His father's dead.
- Teth-Adam: I'm sorry. Who do you want to teach him violence then?
- Amon Tomaz: Yeah, Mom. Who do you want to teach me violence?
- Adrianna Tomaz: No one. I want a champion to help free Kahndaq from Intergang. Please, help us.
- Teth-Adam: My son dreamt of a better world. That's why he saved me. But the world was only a better place with him in it. Khandaq needed a hero. Instead, it got me. All this power. And the only thing I can do with it is hurt people. I will speak the word my son gave me, and I will give up my power. And when I do, you must ensure I never speak it again. Shazam.
- Kent Nelson: There's no point in dwelling in the past. It's already moved on from you.
- Adrianna Tomaz: Why did you say that?
- Kent Nelson: You were blaming yourself for trusting Ishmael. Your thoughts are better spent on the things you can change, not those you can't.
- Adrianna Tomaz: You see the future? Tell me how I get my son back.
- Kent Nelson: By trusting us. Karim will live. We will save Amon. It's what we do.
- [Adam crashes through the balcony window]
- Kent Nelson: I suppose they didn't have doors in your day.
- Black Adam: Well, of course we did. That's how we entered rooms.
- Kent Nelson: What I did there is called sarcasm.