- A MovieMaverick [Jason Rugaard]
- Abandomoviez.net [abandomovieros]
- Spanish
- Acidemic Journal of Film and Media [Erich Kuersten]
- Actionfreunde.de
- German
- Allusions of Grandeur [Kyle Saubert]
- aVoir-aLire.com [Frédéric Mignard]
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- Blu-ray.com [Michael Reuben]
- Boca do Inferno [Marcelo Milici]
- Portuguese
- Bulletproof Action [Chad Cruise]
- CineMarvellous! [George Beremov]
- Cinemavenger - Laugh! [Cinemavenger]
- Common Sense Media [Renee Schonfeld]
- DoBlu.com Blu-ray [Matt Paprocki]
- Don's World of Horror and Exploitation [Don Anelli]
- Dread Central [The Foywonder]
- DVD Sleuth [Mike Long]
- Filmparadiset.se [Tommy Pedersen]
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- Filmstarts.de [Lutz Granert]
- German
- Flick Attack [Rod Lott]
- For It Is Man's Number [Kevin Matthews]
- gbhbl.com [TheDisc]
- Good Efficient Butchery [Mark Tinta]
- Horror World [Luca Pincelli]
- HORRORPEDIA [Lisa Marie Bowman]
- I Kassen [David Bjerre]
- Danish
- J.B. Spins [Joe Bendel]
- Letterboxd
- Life Between Frames [Cody Hamman]
- marcfusion.com
- Moria - The Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy Film Review [Richard Scheib]
- Mother Of Movies [Vanessa Stewart]
- Moviebreak.de [Christoph Uitz]
- German
- MovieMavericks [Jason Rugaard]
- MOVIES and MANIA [Lisa Marie Bowman]
- Oh, the Horror! [Brett Gallman]
- OutNow.CH [muri]
- German
- Pop Culture Thoughts [Julien Houle]
- Popcorn Pictures [Andrew Smith]
- randommovie.net [RM]
- Savage Cinephile (Bryan Chapel)
- Sofahelden.de [MarS]
- German
- SplatterCritic
- Tales of Terror [Steve Hutchison]
- The Kim Newman Website
- Through the Shattered Lens [Lisa Marie Bowman]
- We Got This Covered [Matt Donato]
- We've Got Back Issues [greigzilla]
- What The Craggus Saw [The Craggus]
- Yakinolub [Lindon Kamusov]
- Russian
- YouTube [Cannibal Video]
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