Wow, this film was described as something about an animal in the wild. It wasn't at all. It was awful!
I kept watching hoping something good was about to happen and before I knew it I was at the end where you had no idea what happens to the part of the group that is where they are.
It an awfully made Aussie film, I honestly can't believe the rating is where its at, unless the actors and writers, etc. got everyone in their family to give it the highest rating possible to bump it up. I feel if this was a rating that was accurate to the film it would be somewhere around 3.2 and thats being fair because it obviously took some work to write it and film it.
The acting was appalling from some of the actors and Uh from others, not good not bad, must beige, its the only word I can think of to describe them.
I am amazed at the amount of votes giving it a 10 and a 9! I've given it a 2, and thats because I feel bad just giving it a 1 or zero, which your unable to do anyway, if you could give a zero I'd of given it a 1 in that case.
I'm honestly not being mean, I like to give honest reviews so with that said, please don't waste your time watching this, find something a little more on the edge and maybe that is more honest to the title. The only animal you see in this a few little crayfish (I think thats what they were, or blue lobster but I believe their in the sea) and a bird flying high in the sky.
As for laughs, nope not any of those, sadness, nope none of that, and no fear either. Just a few omg's and yawns.