Mon, Jan 3, 2000
Popee is preparing to practice a chainsaw trick on Kedamono, who is reluctant to participate, fearing that something will go wrong. Popee confidently ignores his assistant's concerns, and proceeds with the trick. It appears successful, until Popee realizes that he still needs to put Kedamono's upper body and legs back together. However, he accidentally does it backwards, leaving Kedamono's legs facing the wrong way. Kedamono is furious, and Popee runs away in distress. Popee digs a hole in the sand and starts laughing into it over what he did, until Kedamono catches up to him. A chase ensues, resulting in Kedamono using the chainsaw to cut Popee into many pieces. But just when he thinks all his troubles are over, Popee's limbs grow into full clones of him, that start chasing Kedamono. Kedamono's legs run away without him, and the Popees surround him. They start dancing around him, as the camera pans out, and the screen fades to black.
Mon, Jan 10, 2000
Popee and a Kedamono are taking turns going under a limbo pole, and they quickly discover that Popee is very bad at it. He begins to have hallucinations that the Wall Audience is laughing at him, so he starts punching and kicking it, much to Kedamono's amusement. In contrast, when Kedamono attempts the Limbo, he is very good at it, and the Wall Audience cheers him on. Popee becomes jealous, and decides to test the extent of Kedamono's skills. He lowers the pole nearly to the ground and lights it on fire. Kedamono begins hallucinating that Popee is a demon, but despite his fears, he accepts Popee's challenge, and carefully walks under the pole. Miraculously, he succeeds, shocking Popee, and making him forget his jealousy. However, when Kedamono looks down at his tail, he realizes that it is on fire. He chases Popee out of anger, and Popee jumps on a circus truck while attempting to escape. Kedamono grabs onto Popee's legs, but he can't support the extra weight, and they both fall into a crate marked "Danger!" The fire on Kedamono's tail ignites the fireworks inside, and the crate explodes. Popee and Kedamono grab onto two of the fireworks, which explode, presumably killing them. The Wall Audience cheers at the sight of the colorful fireworks, and the screen fades to black.