- Roger Ebert [Simon Abrams]
- A Good Movie to Watch [Harvey Garcia]
- All Your Screens [Rick Ellis]
- Ashley & Company [Ashley Saunders]
- Back to the Movies [Brent Simon]
- Blu-ray.com [Brian Orndorf]
- Casey's Movie Mania [Casey Chong]
- Cinefied [Josh Davis]
- Common Sense Media [Jennifer Green]
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- disappointment media [Sean Boelman]
- Discussing Film [Ryan Guar]
- Film Obsessive [Jay Rohr]
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- Mark Reviews Movies [Mark Dujsik]
- Midgard Times [Riya Singh]
- montasefilm.com [Himawan Pratista]
- Movie Madness Podcast [Erik Childress]
- Movie Reviews 101 [Darren Lucas]
- Movieplayer.it [Maurizio Encari]
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- Movies We Texted About [Brian Kitson]
- NightsAndWeekends.com [Kristin Dreyer Kramer]
- Parent Previews [Savannah Sillito]
- Rama's Screen [Rama Tampubolon]
- Ready Steady Cut [Daniel Hart]
- Screen Anarchy [Mel Valentin]
- Seongyong's Private Place [Seongyong Cho]
- South China Morning Post [James Marsh]
- The Feast of Legends [Deepti Chadha]
- The Guardian [Catherine Bray]
- The Illuminerdi [Kevin Fenix]
- The Review Geek [Lopa K]
- Universal Movies [Alessio Bucci]
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- viewconference.it [Maria Elena Gutierrez]
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