Not to sound condescending, but I think those who are criticizing this as "pointless" or "vague" are missing its purpose. This is not a documentary about the radicalization of the individual, it is about the personal toll his actions took on his group of friends, the ghost that his actions left behind (thus the title.) I do agree that the choice to provide little to no information about "Mark's" actual actions is a little confusing as a viewer, but on the other side of that, I think it lends an interesting mysterious tone to the whole thing, and makes it all the more powerful when the filmmakers do decide to elaborate more on "Mark". This story has been reported plenty online, so if you are looking for information on "Mark", I would google it, but if you take this documentary for what it is, a very micro-personal look at a group of Muslim American men, I think it is a really intriguing short watch.