2 Reviews
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Al Thaman (2023– )
Sarah and Zein are both stupid, life it too short.
5 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love Al Thaman, which means the Price in Arabic. Zein and Sarah love each other but do everything a human could do to ruin their relationship. I can't believe the most recent episode where Sarah does not accept Karam's dying wish that Ibrahim (Sarah's son) takes over his half of the company. She would be such a wonderful benefit to the company, instead of letting Mia do the stupid arrogant, self-serving, hateful things she is doing. I guess this is the story, that Sarah and Zein can't seem to be smart enough to work these things out, but people that are this rich, cannot be so dumb also. I keep watching and hoping Sarah or Zein would wisen up, but it never seems to happen. We will see how it ends.
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Stiletto LB (2022)
I love the story, the drama and the suspense
6 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone that doesn't like the series likes predictable endings. I love this series because the show is totally unpredictable. You never know what is coming next. The show captivates me. I cannot stand Falak, Joelle and Mira, but that is what makes the show so good. Dr. Alma's indecisiveness and not willing to stand up for herself drives me nuts. Her and Kareem are really stupid. I know you only live once and would really stand-up against Falak. Kareem has no guts to stand up against his wife. Dr. Alma has no guts to stand-up for living life as she should, Mira is a spoiled brat. She thinks money grows on trees. I would leave her if I was Louay and wait for Natal and Kareem should leave Falak and wait for Alma. A new twist comes that Falak loved Khalid when she was young. Who died and who killed them. This is going to drive me nuts.
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