
13 Reviews
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Take the Lead (2006)
Less would have been more
6 October 2006
Like "Music of the Heart," this film was inspired by a true story of a mentoring program in NY city schools. This time, it's a NY dance teacher who starts a ballroom dance program for inner school kids.

It's an enjoyable film with the gorgeous Bandares in the lead but the film makers apparently weren't satisfied with the real-life teacher's accomplishments. They felt they had to embellish them out of all sense of reality.

Instead of showing Dulaine's students as energetic but definitely amateur dancers, the film has them competing in a major ballroom dancing competition. The supposed impromptu tango performed during the competition is clearly one that would have required extensive choreography and rehearsing. Are we supposed to believe that these kids, with only a few months of training, could put on an exhibition worthy of "Flashdance"? In addition, the bonus feature on the real Dulaine shows that most of his students were grade schoolers, not the teenagers depicted in the film. The sexy dancing of the film was far removed from the innocent, graceful fox trots and waltz's of real life classes.

The ending was also a bit of a let down for me. The classes were supposed to teach the kids (among other things) respect for other people. Yet they commandeer the competition's sound system and disrupt the entire event by dancing to blaring rap and hip-hop music (definitely NOT ballroom dancing by the way!). The youngsters may have learned some dance steps, but little about etiquette and consideration.

I think Mad Hot Ballroom may be a better tribute to this kind of innovative program!
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After Life (1998)
Humor, pathos and intellect all in one film!
13 July 2006
I absolutely loved this film, although I realize it's not for everyone.

Most of it consists of delicate little snippets of conversation with a group of recently deceased people. They relate stories of moments in their lives, with such beauty and poignancy and realism that one could imagine this a documentary. The "acting" (although it hardly seems to be acting at all!) is uniformly excellent.

In tiny snatches, we come to know quite lot about them. Best of all, the movie makes you think about life -- have we lived the kind of life that creates a memory we'd want to spend eternity with? Kore-eda Hirokazu (the director) manages that rare combination of humor, pathos and intellect that makes this film a winner.
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Syriana (2005)
What in the world's going on in this movie?
7 July 2006
I'm the first to admit I'm an impatient film viewer. I give a movie 20 minutes to get me involved in either the plot or the characters. I need to make an emotional connection to someone. Don't take this to mean I need immediate action ... many of my favorites are foreign films that introduce intriguing characters and then slowly tell their story. But I need to KNOW what the heck is going on and who the people are.

After 37 minutes of this movie, I still didn't understand anything. The editing was so choppy that the story jumped from one unrelated scene to another in what was far too rapid fire for this ol' brain to absorb. I still only had a vague notion of who the main characters were, and cared less.

I rented this film because I believe wholeheartedly in its message, but I just can't give a 'thumbs up' to the way that message was delivered.

I'm sure if you are more patient and can deal with such disjointed story-telling, this might be a great film for you. But if you enjoy your films to be more linear and comprehensible, you might want to pass on this on.

One other point: A film like this takes hundreds (thousands?) of people and tons of equipment -- all transported to various locales via ... you guessed it ... gas guzzling vehicles. Somehow it seems ironic to me that good-intentioned people add to the problem while purporting to publicize it.
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These Old Broads (2001 TV Movie)
These old broads are terrific!
2 June 2006
When you have stars of this caliber, who needs a real plot? They do terrific send ups of themselves and the result is a funny, funny film. The fact that Reynolds and Taylor got together on screen makes the experience even more memorable.

Don't go in expecting Shakespeare ... but sit back and enjoy the inside jokes and the incredible talent of four of the living legends of Hollywood.

And whatever you do, ignore the snide comments of the adolescent male critics who panned this as a "geriatric" outing. These guys can't stand the idea of having older women who aren't ashamed of their bodies -- they'd prefer them all to go hide away so the young nubile and witless wonders can fill the screen.
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Take it for what it is...
16 October 2005
Most of the criticisms listed in previous reviews are probably accurate, as far as they go. Yes, this isn't a great movie. It's the film equivalent of watching a high school drama club put on a play -- it's not going to be a top Broadway production, but it can make up for its lack of professionalism with a great deal of heart and good intentions.

If you judge this film strictly by technical or artistic merits, it's not going to rate very high. But if you can set aside your regular standards a bit and just sit back and enjoy it, you'll have a good time. If nothing else, it's got a great cast and is a sweet natured tribute to those old "Let's put on a show" movie! Not all movies have to be Cannes film festival winners. Some just have to make you smile, and this one did.
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Cause célèbre (1987 TV Movie)
Not a murder "mystery" as such
16 October 2005
If you are thinking about watching this movie, just be aware that it is NOT a murder "mystery" as such. Unfortunately, I got the DVD thinking it was more of an Agatha Christie type story, and spent the entire time trying to figure out who really "done it." I was very disappointed when the typical twists and turns of a true mystery didn't materialize.

If my expectations had been different, I might have enjoyed this movie more. The set design was superb, as was most of the acting and the dialog (although, without subtitles, the British accent was a bit difficult for me to understand at times).

On the other hand, I might have been disappointed anyway, since the story is somewhat disjointed and I never bought into the relationships between the characters (the two mismatched lovers, the husband and wife, the wife and 'companion' etc.) The story might have been true, but that doesn't necessarily make it a good movie.
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Stultifying and painful to watch.
14 October 2005
This was supposed to be a comedy, but instead it is two hours that alternate between boredom and absurdity.

The hero of the story is a well-trained, educated and skilled translator who -- instead of acting like an adult -- allows herself to become the whipping girl of a group of sadistic bosses.

If any company like this actually exists in Japan, or anywhere else, I pity the poor workers. But I cannot waste my sympathy on anyone who chooses to stay and put up with the abuse and humiliation like this protagonist does.

And frankly, the acting consisted primarily of Sylvie Testud looking either bewildered or blank. Even the "fantasy" interludes didn't add interest.

A cross cultural workplace may a goldmine of comedic ideas, but this movie didn't manage to emerge with even a single nugget worth watching.
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Fascinating, although flawed
13 March 2005
There are two ways to view this movie: (1) with a curious mind or (2) with a critical eye.

If you choose the first way, you will be treated to a lush and fascinating telling of an ancient legend of the battle between good and evil. It is filled with indelible images and people you really care about. I was completely absorbed in the story and the story telling, and felt privileged to have a glimpse at a way of life which in so many ways is so totally alien, and yet so similar.

If you choose the second way, you'll find the movie slow and poorly directed, with awkward pauses and gaps during which you can almost hear the director yell 'cut.' The acting is not professional (which isn't always a bad thing, but it is noticeable) and the editing needs a great deal of tightening.

Luckily, I managed to keep my normally critical eye in check and my curious mind won out. For me, the movie was a real gem and I think it will be a long time before I forget it or even stop thinking about it.
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Samia (2000)
Mildly interesting but dreary
17 July 2004
This film gives a brief glimpse of yet another dysfunctional family, this one from Algeria and living with France. But although there's a great deal of sadness, it's hard to feel sorry for anyone -- not the abusive brother or the unloving father, not the mother who cares more for what the men think than what her daughters feel, and not even for the girls themselves, who seem to think "freedom" means dressing like tramps, sulking and mouthing off to everyone. If this is even a partially accurate look at the Muslim community in France, then it might rate a star or two for "documentary interest," but it goes absolutely nowhere and when it ends you wish you could have your 90 minutes back.

By the way, as someone else mentioned, the white subtitles are nearly unreadable.
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Amélie (2001)
Beautiful, but empty
30 November 2003
I can't agree that this is the "most charming movie ever made," but it is one of the most beautiful. If you watch it, pay attention to the photography. Nearly every frame is a watercolor painting come to life, even the most mundane scenes.

Take, for instance, the snippet where Amelie encounters the man playing the record player in the subway. Look at the colors, and how even the buttons on the man's coat echoes the peas in the painting behind him. Look, too, at the colors in the concierge's apartment and in the park -- everywhere! It is a feast for the eyes!

The colors and compositions are astounding, which is a good thing because I found the characters and plot somewhat empty. It's all very cute and all, with Amelie going around trying to "fix" up people's lives, but it drags on way too long and ultimately ends on a rather meaningless note.

It's more than mere eye candy -- but less than a truly fulfilling film.
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Great old fashioned type Western
8 August 2003
If you're looking for meaningful characterizations and complex plotting, pass on this one. But if you're looking for a good, old-fashioned Western movie with an indestructible (and gorgeous) hero, a strong and interesting heroine, a dastardly villain, and enough action to fill a dozen Saturday matinees, this one's for you.

I adore Selleck, so this film already had that point in its favor, but I was surprised to see than Laura San Giacomo could actually act. Her work on the television series "Just Shoot Me" doesn't showcase her talent.

I wish they'd make more like this -- it would help bring back the Western!
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Reunion at Fairborough (1985 TV Movie)
Much more than a romance
16 March 2003
I watched this for the first time in 2003, during a time when it seems the whole world was angry at the U.S. for its "militarism." It was fascinating to be reminded that this isn't the first time we were accused of this. The story could have taken place today ... so much has not changed (okay, the lead characters would have been a LOT older!!!).

The story itself was a sweet love story, and the acting is first rate (Red Buttons, as always, is a scene stealer). But the social commentary is what intrigued me and made this movie such a winner.
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Crossfire Trail (2001 TV Movie)
Better than its parts
27 January 2002
This is one of those movies where the whole is better than the sum of its parts. After all, the plot is formulaic and predictable. The acting is good but not great and the dialogue (particularly between the hero and the schoolmarm) is so dated I thought I was watching a 40's B Western. Yet, somehow, the elements come together in a thoroughly enjoyable and entertaining film that allow you to ignore all its weaknesses. Maybe it was the gorgeous photography, or just the delight in watching a contemporary movie that wasn't filled with gore, sex and vulgarity.

My review may be colored by the fact that I chose this movie because I had my 85-year old mom over for "family movie night" and our choices were limited. Still, I enjoyed it much more than I had expected.

The rating is actually an average of the ratings of the three people watching it -- my mom, who gave it a 10; me, who gave it an 8, and my partner, who gave it a 6. What you think of it will no doubt depend on how you like old fashioned westerns and a rugged looked Selleck.
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