
20 Reviews
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Inheritance (2024)
Pretty bad and quite silly
22 June 2024
Silly, but not in a good way. Unlikeable characters; poor dubbing in which the English words don't always make sense. I know it's supposed to be played for laughs, but how stupid is it at the beginning when family members are racing each other to get to the house, and even though they're about 1/2 mile apart they're driving on the wrong side of the street and swerving from side-to-side with no other car in sight?

I guess it's a mystery but not very compelling. Family interaction, in which you can't decide which family member you hate the most; I watched it while reading a book. At least the book was good.
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Murdoch Mysteries: Why is Everybody Singing? (2024)
Season 17, Episode 22
Just not my cup of tea
18 June 2024
I LOVE love Murdoch mysteries. They're inventive, interesting & entertaining. But I just couldn't handle the musical episode. I like Broadway musicals, and I like Murdoch, but not combined.

I didn't think it added anything to the story or the concept. Maybe the writers didn't think this storyline was strong enough to support itself, and had to think of a way to keep it interesting.

Perhaps it would have been better received if it was done as a show in and of itself, not as an episode.

By the way, I did watch it all the way through. After all I love the characters and the show itself. Win some; lose some.
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Murdoch Mysteries: Station House of Horror (2023)
Season 17, Episode 5
Unusual, but entertaining
18 March 2024
I was surprised when I realized this was actually going to be a "horror" episode, but it was fun for a change, as a one-off. As for those reviewers who were hung up on the fact that it wasn't typical Murdoch, I say "Take a breath and chill out". Watching an unusual episode of Murdoch Mysteries still beats watching 90% of the other junk on TV today. We should be happy that when a new season is available it contains A LOT of episodes, as opposed to prime-time TV shows, which seem to be announcing their Finale before you've figured out the plot. Let's celebrate and appreciate the good shows and let the writers have their fun occasionally.
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Son of a Critch (2022– )
It's just funny
15 August 2023
I'm not usually a big fan of family comedies, but I really like this one. The characters are well done, esp. Mark. And I love the little bit of sarcasm that's thrown in. The setting is unusual for those of us in the U. S., and it's not mean-spirited. Grandfather (Malcom McDowell) delivers his lines with the kind of dry humor that levels out the sillier parts. The Catholic School setting (and the nuns) are priceless. And the "love interest", Fox, is quite beautiful. I would like this one to stay around awhile; I think I could become part of the family and really care about them. Good luck to continued success.
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24 June 2023
I saw this film mentioned in an article and thought I might like it. I watched the trailer and thought "Good job". Then I watched the film. It had some good insight on both sides of the issue. But it kept showing the SAME people at the SAME campgrounds or offices. And pretty much saying the same things. It should have been a 30 minute special.

Yes that's the Mayor and a reenactor. That's the Southern lady and a reenactor. Those people like to dress up and run around and greet each other. Those black people don't like the whole thing. These few black people like dressing up too.

We get it.....after about 10 minutes.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Unpleasant film
27 February 2023
I admit I don't like Adam Sandler as a comic actor, but I had great hope for this one. And I did like it for awhile. But then most of the actors became too wild and uncontrolled. The close-ups, the basketball game, the interaction in the jewelry store were too much. And I especially didn't like the ending with the weird spaced out stuff. I guess the bottom line is that I really don't like Adam Sandler as an actor. I tried to figure out who would have done a better job in that part. Maybe an older, more experienced actor in drama films. It was almost like they were going for an "action film" without the car chases.
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The Old Man (2022– )
The actors are great!
29 June 2022
Even if you don't like "spy" thrillers, watch this for the casting and acting. Jeff Bridges, John Lithgow, Amy Brennerman are all great. As are the 2 dogs !
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Welcome to Flatch (2022–2023)
Stupidest ever
6 May 2022
I always give new shows a chance. I watched episode 1, but then went back for a quick look at other episodes.

What silly reviews that say people don't watch enough episodes. If the show is truly bad why would you continue to watch it.

One reviewer says "It gets better". doesn't.
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Stupid rather than funny
1 March 2022
Just silly crude "humor?". There are some occasional tepid jokes, but all in all it's not really worth your time. Mrs. Breown adds a unique touch but not enough to recommend this flick.
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After Life (2019–2022)
Ricky Gervais is a unique individual
22 January 2022
I admit that if you like Ricky Gervais you will probably like this show. His comedic genius shows in each character. Lots of swearing and four-letter words, so NOT for the kids. I enjoyed every episode, and even though criticized, by some critic, I loved the ending. Good job !
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American Auto: Earnings Call (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Still Funny
5 January 2022
I watched the first 2 premier episodes and thought they were funny. I worried they would not be able maintain the humor, but personally I still think it is very funny. You can tell it is written by the writers from SuperStore !
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Wrong call, Judges !!
5 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watch some of these baking shows. I've seen Kids Baking Championship over the years. This year they're doing younger kids, under 12. I've always accepted that the judges know better than I, who should go home. After all, they see and taste the food. But this year they have a contestant named Ben. He is a full scale brat, and I use that word because I'm being nice. One of the judges, Duff, pointed out his cookie bake needed more time in the oven. Ben said No it was fine. Duff said it looked raw. Ben got very snotty and gave him a look and an attitude. It was NOT cute. When the cookie was presented for judging Ben was still in a snit, and when Duff said it was under-baked, Ben said it wasn't. He also made a poor bonus item; Paprika popcorn ! The other bottom rated player was Finley. Her cookie was also underbaked. They sent her home ! Ben should have been sent home before they even tasted his entry. He is a rude, crude little brat !
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Grand Crew (2021–2023)
16 December 2021
This is right on the edge. It's POSSIBLE it will get better with more character and plot development. One improvement in episode 2 was getting rid of narrator Garret Morris.
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American Auto (2021–2023)
Wildly Funny
16 December 2021
I usually don't like "off-the-wall" humor. To be quite honest I don't like most of the comedies on broadcast TV. This one made me laugh and I think it shows promise for the future.
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One of my favorites
2 November 2021
This has been one of my favorite movies since the first time I saw it. A combination coming-of-age movie with spooky overtones. Great actors, I love the setting. When I watch it I don't consider it a "Stephen King" movie per se. Just a good movie that happens to be wrtitten by SK.
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Annoying Cast
31 August 2021
The show is just OK. But the cast is annoying especially 2 of the contestants. Ryan is the whiniest guy ever. Never happy with what he's doing and always complaining about the stars ingredients. Even though one of the hallmarks of Ben & Jerrys is chunks of various ingredients, Ryan says at least 5x an episode that he hates chunks !

And I find it gratingly hard to listen to Cesar who sounds like he got hit in the throat with a baseball bat.
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Doctor Doctor (2016–2021)
Interesting, but...
31 July 2021
I've watched all 5 seasons. The setting is great, the story interesting, but unfortunately there are a couple of characters that are quite unlikeable. Ajax started out as a muddled headed kid, and ended up...well, pretty much the same. Obnoxious and annoying. Haley should have dumped him. Matt is the most arrogant character with no redeeming characteristics. After he opened the brewery I kept hoping they'd find him at the bottom of a barrel each episode. I guess those 2 were the worst, although contrary to other reviews I did not see Hugh as any paragon of morality. But it must have been enough to hold my interest; I did watch it all.
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The Unicorn (2019–2021)
What Happened???
4 December 2020
This show was pretty good in Season One. Not great, but watchable. This season (2) I wasn't quite sure until I watched the 12/3 episode. Did they change writers? This is the stupidest 1/2 hour I have watched on TV this season. It was so bad that I will make it a point never to watch another episode of this series. Shame !
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Really bad !
24 May 2020
I enjoy the "regular" Worst Cooks in America. The 2020 celebrity edition is SO BAD ! First of all none of these people are "celebrities". And I understand the "tongue-in-cheek" aspect of the show, but these contestants are truly stupid. I wonder whether they live on this planet. Brian Posehn is especially annoying, being unable to open a can. The people listed as comedians are just not amusing and are more like court jesters. What a waste of time !
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Let's drop the celebrities
11 May 2020
I understand Worst Cooks in America is somewhat tongue-in-cheek, and some of the contestants can be (mildly) amusing. You can see some improvement over the weeks in cooking ability. But I started Worst Cooks in America -Celebrity Edition 2020. First of all it's questionable whether these people are celebrities. To refer to them as "stars" is insulting to people who actually deserve that title. And, sorry, but if these people aren't acting they must be the stupidest, most annoying contestants ever. They really feel they are special; they must be the only ones.
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