
19 Reviews
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The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
Penny should have stayed a pharmaceutical sales rep.
11 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Writing this 4 episodes in of season 1. And I am giving up now.

I only started this series because of Kaley Cuoco. I started to appreciate her acting a bit more from season 8 on in TBBT. I was wondering what else she could do.

Apparently nothing. The drama she portrayed in this series is something we already knew from her in the famous sitcom. Only now it is nothing else than that. We also the funloving sex-orientated alcoholic we already knew from her and even her crying is just as non-convincing as it was in TBBT.

The series is a non-exciting soundtrack with some images on it. There is not one actor that caries the show. All the roles could have been played by basically anyone and non of them has a story to tell you actually want to hear. Everything stays superficial. It is like we, the viewers, are the flight attendents: landing in all kinds of cities but all we see is hotels and bars for a day or two and never actually meet something or someone authentic/personally/real. Also, Alex is apparently the first person to mention to Cassandra her loneliness and just because of that, after a short gettogether, Cassandra feels a strong connection with him and therefore he partially plays out her inner dialogues.

There is no mystery here. Nothing exciting, confusing, crazy or humoristic. No thrills and even the sharp noices and flashy images are something we saw too often in the 90's. The real mystery here is why this series averages a 7.

If you like murder myserteries and want to be glued to the screen by all amazing actors with great character defining stories you actually want to hear and follow, I advice to watch "White Lotus".

1 Star for the effort from all and 1 star for Kaley. I've scoured through her acting history and well, she really tries. She was so lucky scoring TBBT and for us to see her reaching her peak :)
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The Flash (I) (2023)
It's a kids movie
1 December 2023
"I'm getting too old for this bleep", for whom get this reference ;)

It is mainly aimed at the kids these days (i.e. Badly executed humor and not that impressive, clownish, main acting and energy). But as the old dude here: I simply loved the cameo's: real actors with a heart and soul for this, bringing some charisma to it all :)

I hope the youngters of today appreciate how DC is trying to create a tailor made super hero world for them since all these heroes are simply from my generation.

I prefer it if 'they' would write new superheroes for the new generation and keep the old for us, the not-so-youngsters that grew up with them <3.
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This movie is far from Cuckoo and close to perfection <3
12 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
One of a kind! I am 38 yo and this is imho immediatly the most beautiful depiction of a love story.

The animation made everything flow beautifully! The creativity seems endless yet the story never gets lost in the visual whimsey. The strong different leading characters are amazing :) The pace is actually pretty high and it just doesn't leave room for distraction or boredom. And even if you think you got kind of adapted to the visual aspects and the story, the music is there to make sure that every scene seems refreshing.

Unique animation style, different styles actually depending on the scenes, and such a joy for the eyes.

Why I don't give it a ten is because the story starts with 3 important rules but only one actually seems to be blatantly leading at all times. Small crack in an otherwise perfectly ticking clock :)
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Adios Amigos (2016)
100% True
9 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I know this is isn't the social platform for own stories. So I will keep it short:

I am a Dutch male and I have a severe heart condition since birth. I got in touch with a heart foundation so we celebrated 'heart camps' together. Back in 2003 and 2004 I was 18 and 19 years young. And back then we also we're fortunate enough to have a Dutch airplaine organisation called Transavia Airlines (part of the Air France KLM Group) with their volunteer organisation called "Peter Pan Reizen": fully equiped and payed for vacations for people with a life long and/or threathening disease.

Many of us weren't able to go on such vacations. Parent's couldn't afford it, mostly, let alone going by yourself.

And there we went :) And concidering our ages: yes, this movie completely got the gist of it! It is well played by all of them. From frustrated and angry adolescents to people who were completely okay with themselves. I could still walk and party back then, but also late friends of mine who were severly comorbid. We lost one of them during one of those trips as well... It was very painful and confrontational. As well as this movie is to me.

It is hard to understand the severity of most things in this movie. But imho they did an excellent job capturing it all <3.
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Young Sheldon (2017–2024)
From excitement to retirement: in 1 ep.
22 February 2023
So this is how it works: Chuck Lorre and Steven Molaro had a goofy idea. They called it "The Big Bang Theory". And despite their not so well writing (many inconsistencies and blatant mistakes): we laughed. I did too :)

Somehow the internet showed an overexcitement for S. C. So C.&S. (see what they did there?). So they thought we needed a spin off. This is not true.

It is way worse then the original show.

So in conclusion: the acting is quite alright. The idea is consistent enough. But the overall result is somewhat dissappointing: you can turn a somewhat vague comedy personality into a real show. But then you need the talent of Vince Gilligan (from Breaking Bad to Better Call Saul).
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Wednesday (2022– )
Interesting concept badly executed, unfortunately.
23 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As a child I liked the Addams Family. This cartoon series later on got filmed. That didn't quite get me. Then the trailer of Wednesday showed up and I was intruiged: images seemed nice, directed by Tim Burton (love his work) and so far the series seemed promising for me.

I love the contrasts they use! It has Tim Burton written all over it. But the acting is at a childs level. The scripts are simple and therefore there is no depth in the characters. The CGI is quite disappointing from time to time, especially for these times. But worst of all: in essence it is just another high school love/hate/misfits/need-to-belong story.

I would recommend watching the old skool Addams Family cartoon series instead.
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Instant Dream Home (2022– )
From Taystee to Tasteless
18 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The idea of a renovation in 1 day is fun. The execution not so much. Too much is obviously staged and therefore acted. Begs the questions if it all is done in secret and in 1 day?

Danielle Brooks seems to add nothing to the show: shouts what we already see and know and that seems to be it. Paige Mobley, still not sure what she does there. But she seems to put effort on the day itself, much like the other 200 volunteers. The guys seem to do the work in the preparations and coordination during the day.

The houses and families are not poor or that special. Beautiful stories but there are millions of hard working fams that don't find the time to do some work in the house. The people who really need it are not represented in this show. And the preparation shots don't add anything.
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I. Want. More!!!
29 November 2021
These 90 minutes just FLEW BY! Decent information density, nice interval with climaxes and grounders, love to see all artists I already knew from this beautiful underground scene and learned a few more. Just: give me more please. There is so much more to tell, and dance to! The concert/club shots could have been a bit longer, just to experience the different energies a bit more. But all in all: what a journey!
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Student perfection :)
14 October 2021
No reason to go into details. These are all students at the start or end of there student time. And they made it work :) I laughed my ass off even while noticing how crappy some shots and things are. They put a lot of effort in it and I am amazed I can find this movie @ Netflix. This should be a drinking game for fraturn- and sororities :) Love it! Cheers to everyone trying their best here :)
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GLOW (2017–2019)
GLOW saved endings :)
4 July 2021
The writing is original! Quite some twists that makes things better :) The last episode was the present we all needed: life is about your own choices and whoever tags allong for how long at any point, is a gift :)
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Emily in Paris (2020– )
Ringarde! (Doesn't mean basic but old-fashioned)
9 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The story starts of quite well but all you see afterwards is a principled working bee turning into an insta-fashion-dweep. Emily looses character, the men are all the same and have no character/depth at all and the jokes and stereotypes become even more obvious then it already started with.

Althoug they try to depict France/Paris(ians) in a stereotypical sense, the 'American point of view' is sky high: mad men but from the perspective of a confused woman.

In the words of Pierre Caudalt: ringarde! Ringarde! Ringarde!
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Just for your head full of beer... otherwise no chear.
13 August 2020
It's not that there is no talent. But you have to look really hard. Be a better judge then the jury... and yet be part of the looney tune editors. The cheering crowd audio and images often don't match. But that is oke. Cause the crowd is just impressed as you... and not what the show wants you to believe.

Appreciate the rare talent cause it is hard to find it between all the ranting and golden buzzers.
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When you keep a safe distance, you might enjoy the movie.
13 August 2020
Don't expect too much of the actors. Don't try to get a glimps of the psychological issues. And don't try to rectify comon story discrepancies. Only if you keep your mind and opinions on a distance, you might enjoy the movie. I watched it late at night with my brain capacity at low and it kinda worked for me :)
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Onward (I) (2020)
One motion, one hundred percent personality
27 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie explicitly ignores the faces and puts everything in the limbs. Be it a single motion of the hand or a pair of legs 'casually' walking along, it basically tells the story.

Our human magic lies in every intention. The body displays the actions and story. The attention to detail is mind boggling... just a step away of knowing everything that our cells do and say in order to manipulate our thoughts and behaviour. And that is so freakishly impressive. 10/10.

And now I have to rewatch this movie to pay attention to the words. But I bet that this 7% we use in communication will only bring this score down. So... I will not do that and aim at what we all have to achieve in life: one motion, one hundred percent personality.
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Unique styling. But that is it.
25 April 2020
Character development? Not heard of probably. Voices are nice for these kind of movies (and I love Animation!), but like all your favorite ingredients in one dish, it doesn't work. No harmony. I like the dark humour, a few times were actually really funny :) What doesn't work for me is that the absurdity of the movie is vastly random... making it incoherent. A 'nice try', but wouldn't really recommend it.
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After Life (2019–2022)
New season, new chance to ruin the perfect score
25 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
And they did. I gave it a 10, went to a 9. The role of the therapist: the didn't capture his role at all within the context of 'raw honesty'. This is about extreme weird and pathetic behaviour which really wears the show down. One example: when he talks about alpha males saving nations, he mentions that 'we' would rape him in the ass instead of letting him getting this far. If he had his theory right also fitting whithin the series, he'd idolized Hitler as the #1 Alpha male. Conquer and when defeated brave enough to kill himself. Missed opertunity.

Besides that: love all the characters :) The raw honesty, the honest and frequent tears of Ricky Gervais, the dynamics of warmth, love and care while keeping it real: on point :) Big fan!
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All she wants is to be heard. Start listening.
14 February 2020
Not a fan of her music? Me neither. But I do like her story. Aware, kind, loving and determined. This documentary gives a nice overview of how a down-to-earth woman can handle fame like Elvis Presley, The Beatles and Michael Jackson had in a different way than anyone of them before.
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Klaus (2019)
Basically another Avatar movie
31 December 2019
Storyline: uninspired. Design: awesome and unique :) Voice acting: convincing. Entertainment: so so.

Must See: definitely not.
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The battle between childhood and puberty
7 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Dry, fast paced humor with an original take on the identity battle every person experiences: let out your inner child or be the tough cool adult. All characters seem to fit perfectly displaying the difference between people who accept their happiness and the people who want to look down on and destroy it. Be sure to choose wisely 'cause unnecessary mistrust and doubt leads to unnecessary concequences: "armamaget'in". An excellent (and I think misunderstood) sequal! Was doubting about the 10 stars... untill I heard the credits song: perfection :)
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