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I liked this movie
20 May 2007
I haven't read the book, so I can't comment on whether the adaption was good or bad. The Dive from Clausen's Pier was in my opinion a good movie on the whole. It's not normally my kind of movie, I watched it mostly because of Michelle Trachtenberg. The story is about how an accident changes the lives of a group of people, and especially Mike Mayor (Will Estes) and his girlfriend Carrie Beal (Michelle Trachtenberg). It was in my opinion a bit too short, and I wish some characters could have been explored and developed more. Other than that, it was good.

I was pleased to see Trachtenberg in this movie, and from all her film and TV works, I consider this to be one of her best performances, possibly to share the first spot with Mysterious Skin. She's not just a beautiful face, she's a talented actress and I believe that with time she will grow and develop even more.
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Sin City (2005)
Fantastic, absolutely fantastic
6 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Before I saw the first trailers that had leaked out on the net, I didn't know about the Sin City graphic novels at all. But, simply by watching that trailer, my expectations became very high right away. I sometimes watched the trailer for fun, simply because it was so good, and promised so much. The other trailers that were official, promised even more. I've never waited so much for a movie since I waited for Kill Bill.

Did it keep its promise? It did, and more. The visual style was absolutely fantastic, with the movie being completely in black and white with splashes of colour here and there, such as a red dress, the flashing lights of the police cars or Bledel's blue eyes. The story lines were simple and straightforward. Some have called the movie shallow, and I suppose it was, but for some reason this is not bad in any way.

We're sent into Sin City for two hours and we get to see a different world, a world real and unreal... and it feels good! It's easy getting sucked into this strange parallel universe, where you can find anything. It's dark and exciting. It's a place where the men are raw and hard characters, and the women are cool and always beautiful. It's decades ago and it's today.

The acting was good. I didn't expect anything else with such an impressive list of excellent actors/actresses. Here are some of them, and what I thought about them: Jessica Alba is Nancy Callahan, a stripper at the Kadie's bar. Alba is doing a pretty good job, actually. Just about good enough for this role, but not any more than that, in my opinion.

Devon Aoki is Miho, one of the girls of Old Town. I don't think she says anything at all in the movie. Hard to say much about the acting, but it looked like she did her job.

Alexis Bledel is Becky, one of the youngest of the Old Town prostitutes. I have to admit I was curious to see Bledel in such a movie, after seeing her as Rory in Gilmore Girls. Except for a few weak moments here and there, she did a great job on the whole.

Rosario Dawson is Gail, one of the de facto leader figures of Old Town. I love the way Dawson did this character. Gotta love her mischievous smile.

Benicio Del Toro is Jackie Boy, a no good cop. del Toro must be some sort of acting genius. He is one of the outstanding actors in this movie, he is really, *really* good as Jackie Boy, even when Jackie is supposed to be dead.

Rutger Hauer is Cardinal Roark. Another small role in this movie. Even so, he's doing a great job.

Jaime King is Goldie/Wendy, twin sisters and prostitutes of Old Town. This is, as far as I remember (and I'm very sure) the first time I get to see her work. I think that her sensuality is created where her hotness and cool intersect.

Brittany Murphy is Shellie, a bar maid at Kadie's. Here is another one who does her job incredibly well. For a while we have Murphy and del Toro in the same scenes; a real treat. Murphy's facial expressions, gesturing, the way she delivers her lines - just sit back and enjoy. Ace performance by Murphy.

Mickey Rourke is Marv. Great character who beats his way through Sin City with fury and humour in order to find vengeance on whoever murdered Goldie. Rourke does it well.

Nick Stahl is Roark Jr./Yellow Bastard. A pedophile who is after Nancy, and after Hartigan saves her, he attempts to kill him. I'm not familiar with Stahl's previous works, I believe, but he certainly seems to play this part well.

Bruce Willis is Hartigan, a good cop. I recently saw Die Hard, and remembering Armageddon I have to say he doesn't seem to have a terribly wide range as an actor, but then again his roles usually doesn't seem to give much room either. For such parts, including the one as Hartigan, he's a good choice.

Elijah Wood is Kevin, one of the more terrifying characters. No lines for Wood, and it's not much he needs to do, I guess, except staring without expression, or trying to fight Marv.

It may sound like I'm raving about all the actors, but I hope it's also clear that in some cases I can't say much about the acting, and that in some cases it's great, sometimes good and sometimes weak.

Anyway, I loved this movie. Unfortunately it was pulled from the big screen in my city after only a month, and by that time I've seen it only four times. I'll just need to get the DVD...

This is an easy 10/10.
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Resident Evil (2002)
Very good action movie
21 March 2005
I saw this when it first was up on the big screen, and then while I thought it was pretty cool I kinda forgot about it. Then a few days ago I saw it on TV, and I have to say, it's definitely better than I remember it now.

It starts out in a slightly surreal style as we get to follow the employees of the Umbrella Corp., and the events leading to the disaster in the underground laboratory. Then in the same style we get to follow an agent waking up and how she meet the SWAT-like squad she's to work together with to set things straight again.

The overall feeling of the movie is hard to describe but I like it. No nonsense, just straight forward action. No second wasted. I am sure there were clichés in this film but certainly not many and apparently they didn't bother me anyway. Usually when you watch a B action you can get bored simply because it's like every other B action. Not so with Resident Evil, which was not B in my opinion.

Visually, it's also great. At times it was almost a dream-like feeling, from the intro laboratory scenes to the scenes from Alice's home; and most that happened thereafter.

As for storytelling, it told us what we needed to know, nothing more. If there's anything from the introduction scenes that leaves us wondering what in the world happened, who did it and why, we will get the answers as the story moves on.

Milla Jovovich and Michelle Rodriquez both make their parts really well in my opinion. I have not seen Milla in many other movies but what I've seen so far, I definitely like. Michelle was entirely new to me as far as I know, but I liked her performance.

My complaint could possibly be that some devices in the laboratory seemed a bit of a stretch, especially one particular security defense mechanism that they encountered early on.

All in all, a good action that is somewhat unusual in its style.
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Scorched (I) (2003)
Fun comedy
5 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
*** SPOILERS *** *** SPOILERS *** *** SPOILERS ***

Funny and clever comedy about a bank robbery, done completely from the inside. Three of the bank workers decide to rob the bank, all for various reasons, unbeknownst of each other's plans, and during the same weekend.

There are more characters, for example the Mr. Merchant ("millionaire many times over") done very well by John Cleese, the unemployed slacker Doleman, who is determined not to be the cheese, and his girlfriend Shmally who is mad at Mr. Merchant since his products did not live up to her expectations.

All the actors are doing their parts very well. Woody Harrelson, Alicia Silverstone and Paulo Costanzo are all great as the disgruntled bank workers, and Marcus Thomas good also. Now the ever charming Rachael Leigh Cook is one of my favourite actresses. Her character was funny but maybe a few inches to the side of the central story, as the only major thing she does is to go egg Merchant's house, which in turn leads to other situations for both her and Doleman. Still I feel that her character could have been just a little more central.

All in all, maybe not the most original storyline, but still funny, clever and with good casting. You wont laugh your head off, and the humour is not like Jim Carrey, but it's definitely good humour in this one.
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Fantasy, obviously
8 January 2005
I thought this would be a martial arts movie with adventures and such. What I got was unrealistic fighting scenes with people flying about. Now, I normally don't have a problem to suspend my disbelief, and accept things like that in a movie or TV series. When I saw Mists of Avalon, I accepted that there was some magic in it, like when the priestess could control the fog and such, and when I watch the X-Files, I accept all the ghosts and supernatural stuff, likewise when I watch Buffy. So how come I had such a hard time accepting the flying and levitating in this movie? I think there are two reasons: 1) I thought it would be a movie set in this universe without altering the laws of physics too much, and 2) It was sometimes all too obvious that they used wires. After a while, the levitating was simply so much that I did accept it as some form of magic, otherwise I couldn't have kept watching it. But, even after deciding this, I still thought the movie was simply too long and boring. I'm sorry, but that became the biggest problem for me after a while.
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