1st Radio Battalion

1st RAD Bn logo
I MEF Information Group

1st Radio Battalion establishes, operates, and maintains the necessary Intelligence Information Architecture to enable and provide Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), Electromagnetic Warfare (EW), and Computer Network Exploitation (CNE) capabilities to the MAGTF Commander and other supported commanders.



Brenda Suarez
1st Radio Battalion
Office: 760-763-2138



The Unit, Personal and Family Readiness Program provides support to service members, and their families, to successfully balance life, career and mission events. This support is provided through proactive outreach and intervention using Official Communication, Readiness and Resource Support, Deployment Support, and Volunteer Management. This support is extend to the entire family unit and includes children, spouses, parents and other extended family members.


Anyone and everyone is encouraged to participate. This can include parents, grandparents, siblings, spouses, children and more. If you are interested, we'd love to have you! Your service member can provide your contact information to the Deployment Readiness Coordinator to be able to receive ongoing communication.




Battalion Officer of the Day: 760-763-6016

Military & Family Life Counselor: 760-573-0360

Military OneSource: 1-800-342-9647 (24/7 support)

Non-Emergency PMO: 760-725-3888




L.I.N.K.S.:  Lifestyles, Insights, Networking, Knowledge, & Skills is an

engaging workshop that provides participants with the information needed to

navigate the military lifestyle. Sessions for spouses, parents, teens, kids,

and more are offered. For more information, visit:

L.I.N.K.S. (usmc-mccs.org)


Base Education Center: Explore programs and degrees to help you meet your personal and professional goals. For a list of colleges on base and more

information, visit:



Family Member Employment Assistance Program: Attention spouses, children, and other dependents! Update your resume, practice interview skills, learn about local job fairs. To learn more, visit:



New Parent Support:  Receive assistance, education, and support from in-home visits, parenting education classes, information, and referrals for

active-duty personnel and their family members. To sign-up, visit:

New Parent Support (usmc-mccs.org)


Volunteer Program: For Camp Pendleton and the local area opportunities, please register (and log your hours!) here:

Volunteer Opportunities (usmc-mccs.org)


TRICARE: Explore plan options for healthcare coverage (to include dental,

vision,  and mental health!):



Semper Fit: Base programs that include 13 gyms, group exercise classes,

nutrition counseling, massage therapy and more:

Fitness (usmc-mccs.org)


Military OneSource: 24/7 confidential, non-medical counseling options - phone, online, and in-person services available:



Community Counseling Center: Free on-base counseling to service members and their families (individual, couples, child and teen, care management, and

family counseling).

Prevention and Counseling (usmc-mccs.org)


FOCUS Project: provides resilience training to military children, families,

and couples. Learn practical skills to overcome common military life



Phone: 760.859.6079

[email protected]

Billet - Phone Number

Battalion OOD

Main: (760) 763-6016

Cell:   (760) 212-5194

Alpha Company

 (760) 763-4283

Bravo Company

 (760) 763-4279

Charlie Company

 (760) 763-5990

H&S Company

 (760) 763-4338

SSO Officer

 (760) 763-5904


 (760) 725-5985


 (760) 763-8114


 (760) 763-4264


 (760) 763-8452

 SCIF Clerk

 (760) 763-1310

 Family Readiness Officer

 (760) 763-2138


 (760) 763-5976

Note: DSN prefix for 763-xxxx numbers is 361-xxxx

Unit Mailing Address

1st Radio Battalion
Box 555355
Camp Pendleton, CA 92055

Welcome Aboard

Battalion Commander: Lieutenant Colonel Mabel Annunziata

Battalion Executive Officer: Major Wilbur Gregory 

Battalion Sergeant Major: Sergeant Major Hugo D. Dubon

To the Marines and Sailors joining 1st Radio Battalion, welcome to our team. 1st Radio Battalion has a storied tradition of excellence and a reputation across the Marine Expeditionary Force for our mission capability, flexibility, and timely and accurate intelligence support.  Camp Pendleton and the MEF provides the Battalion with unique and challenging training opportunities, giving our Marines experience across a wide spectrum of operations.  The expectation is that when you arrive at 1st Radio Battalion, you are ready to jump in with a dynamic group of professionals dedicated to mission accomplishment and the welfare of our Marines, Sailors, and their families.  To assist in this transition, we are committed to making the move to Camp Pendleton and integration of your family with the unit as smooth and pleasant as possible and have detailed check-in procedures and base resources below.  Again, we are honored to have you as part of the 1st Radio Battalion family and look forward to seeing you in the near future!

The 1st Radio Battalion command is dedicated to taking care of not just our Marines and Sailors, but their families as well. We fully understand the sacrifices your family makes while you are in training and deployed.  We thank you for your service, sacrifice and commitment.  Our commitment to you is to provide you with information and referral services that will help enhance your quality of life. To this end, designated members of the command are tasked with ensuring that every new Marine and Sailor receives quality transition assistance.  Our Family Readiness Program is designed to welcome new members and assist you and your family with the transition to Camp Pendleton and integration within the MEF Information Group.

Our goal is to assist you and your family with the transition and quick integration to your new duty station and command.  You can count on us to provide:
-A sponsor of equal or higher rank to assist with your transition to the command.
-Provide information on command, referral services, and provide deployment support.

Prior to your arrival, your sponsor stands at the ready to be a resource for any situation that you may encounter.


The Uniform for check in is service "A".


Bring the following to S-1:

  • All Original Orders

  • Receipts for travel claim

  • Medical Record

  • Dental Record


Bring the following to IPAC, as applicable:

  • Dependent information (if not currently in DEERS)

  • Birth Certificate/Supporting Docs

  • Marriage License/Divorce decree

  • Car Registration/Proof of Insurance

  • Certified copy Pg 3 & dependency application (Housing)

  • Personal Weapon Registration (PMO)


Check-in Procedures

Report to S-1 during working hours, or Battalion OOD after working hours on the quarterdeck of Building 16313 for receiving endorsement (“1st Radio Battalion” on Google Maps)

(Pipeline Marines only) Go to IPAC Inbound (“IPAC Inbound” on Google Maps)

Return to 1st Radio Battalion and get check-in sheet from S-1


Resolute Hunter

Resolute Hunter, the Department of Defense’s only dedicated battle management, command and control, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance...


Creating Leaders

A U.S. Marine with 1st Radio Battalion, I Marine Expeditionary Force Information Group, fires an M240B machine gun during tactical small unit leaders...


Radio Battalion Makes Ready

U.S. Marines with 1st Radio Battalion, I Marine Expeditionary Force Information Group, conduct safety checks before going on a convoy during 1st...


Making Connections

U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Matthew Northcutt, a ground radio repairer with 1st Radio Battalion, I Marine Expeditionary Force Information Group,...

1st Radio Battalion Leaders

Portrait of Lt. Col. Mabel B. Annunziata
Lt. Col. Mabel B. Annunziata
Commanding Officer, 1st Radio Battalion

Read Biography

Portrait of Sgt. Maj. Hugo D. Dubon
Sgt. Maj. Hugo D. Dubon
Sergeant Major, 1st Radio Battalion

Read Biography


I Marine Expeditionary Force