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Plan Your Visit

Welcome!  We gather every Sunday for worship.  Here’s what to expect when you visit:

Our service begins at 9:30 am with a welcome and announcements and then an extended time of worship through music with traditional hymns to contemporary worship songs.  We spend time praying for the needs of our congregation, community, missionaries and our world.  Then we spend focused time in the Word.  Kid’s are always welcome in our worship service but as an option, children from kindergarten through fifth grade are excused during the service to attend Kid’s Worship which has lessons and activities suited to these age groups.

After worship service, from 11:00-11:30 AM please join us for coffee at our Immanuel Cafe.  This is a casual time to connect with others in fellowship.

Sunday School or TruthSeekers is available for all ages (Toddler through Middle School) and provides a comfortable learning environment to ask questions and engage in deeper conversations in smaller group settings.  

During the same hour as the children’s/Youth TruthSeekers program, we offer class(s) for Adults and High Schoolers.  

In between shorter classes on a specific topics (check the homepage of our website for current offerings,  we also offer “Responding to God’s Message.”  This is a life application class based on the weekly scripture and sermon message. 

Come as you are and join anytime. 

At Immanuel Church we seek to minister to both parents and children by first providing quality childcare during worship services and Sunday school; and second working to lay a spiritual foundation for their faith in Christ.