Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Übersicht über die am IMS entstandenen Werkzeuge.
Werkzeuge des IMS
Titel | Beschreibung |
ADVISER - A Dialog System Framework | Open source dialog system framework for education and research purposes |
Affective Event Generation | Affective Natural Language Generation of Event Descriptions through Fine-grained Appraisal Conditions |
Automatische Segmentierung von Sprachsignalen mit dem Aligner | Der Aligner ist ein Werkzeug zur automatischen Segmentierung von Sprachsignalen. Er wurde von Dr. Stefan Rapp am IMS entwickelt und ist von Dr. Stefan Rapp unter GPL Lizenz erhältlich. |
B3 database | The B3 database (B3DB) is a relational database to support corpus studies and computational linguistic project workflows |
BitPar - a parser for highly ambiguous PCFGs | BitPar is a parser for highly ambiguous probabilistic context-free grammars (such as treebank grammars) |
CorefAnnotator | An annotation tool for coreference |
Corpus-agnostic Quotation Detection | A novel framework for declarative specification and compilation of template-based information extraction |
Cross-lingual Compound Identification (XCID) | A cross-lingual compound identification method based on cross-lingual evidence as given in parallel corpora |
DAGGER: A Toolkit for Automata on Directed Acyclic Graphs | A Toolkit for Automata on Directed Acyclic Graphs |
DURel Annotation Tool | DURel ist ein semantisches Annotations-Tool für Satzpaare eines Wortes. |
DeRE | A novel framework for declarative specification and compilation of template-based information extraction |
FSPar - a cascaded finite-state parser for German | FSPar ist ein regelbasierter Dependenzparser |
German NER (Riedl & Pado ACL 2018) | An extension of the BiLSTM-based Named Entity Recognizer by Guillaume Genthial |
HOTCoref | The IMS HOTCoref system is a data-driven coreference resolution system that models coreference within a document as a directed rooted tree |
HotCoref DE | The German coreference system described in the LREC 2016 paper and in the ACL paper |
ICARUS2: 2nd generation of the Interactive platform for Corpus Analysis and Research tools, University of Stuttgart | ICARUS2 continues the tradition of the original ICARUS tool in providing advanced exploration and query functionality for corpus resources. At its core is the goal to unify query access to a wide range of very rich and diverse corpora. |
ICARUS: Interactive platform for Corpus Analysis and Research tools, University of Stuttgart | ICARUS is a search and visualization tool that primarily targets dependency trees. It enables the user to search dependency treebanks given a variety of constraints, including searching for particular subtrees. |
IMS Festival Sprachsynthese in Deutsch | Deutsche Ergänzung zur Sprachsynthesesoftware Festival |
IMS-Speech | IMS-Speech is a web based tool for German and English speech transcription aiming to facilitate research in various disciplines |
IMSCoref | Coreference system build by Anders Björkelund and Richárd Farkas for the CoNLL 2012 Shared Task, and a modified version build for COLING 2012 paper Phrase-structures and Dependencies for End-to-End Coreference Resolution by Anders Björkelund and Jonas Kuhn |
IMSTrans | A transition-based dependency parser |
IMSnPars | Graph-based and transition-based neural dependency parsers |
Improved Neural Political Statement Classification | Companion data and models for the ACL 22 Findings paper |
LSC - a statistical clustering software for two-dimensional clusters | A statistical clustering software for two-dimensional clusters |
Lemma-Korrektur-Tools | Skripte zur Konvertierung von POS-Tags des TreeTaggers nach MulText und Korrektur des Lemma-Outputs des RFTaggers und des TreeTaggers |
LoPar - a parser for head-lexicalised PCFGs | A parser for head-lexicalised PCFGs |
MBOT Moses Translation System | A statistical machine translation system based on multi bottom-up tree transducers |
MOP Compound Splitter (MCS) | This system is a compound splitter based on constituent normalization using Morphological Operation Patterns (MOPs) |
Mate Tools | A toolkit of statistical NLP tools comprising a lemmatizer, part-of-speech tagger, morphological tagger, dependency parser, and semantic role labeler |
PAC - a statistical clustering software for multi-dimensional clusters | A statistical clustering software for multi-dimensional clusters |
POS Tagger für mittelhochdeutsche Texte | Das Modell für den TreeTagger wurde auf der Mittelhochdeutschen Begriffsdatenbank trainiert. |
PhiTag Annotation Plattform | |
RFTagger | A tool for the annotation of text with fine-grained part-of-speech tags |
RegCCRF | A method for constraining CRF output to regular languages |
SFST - a toolbox for the implementation of morphological analysers | A toolbox for the implementation of morphological analysers |
SMOR - Stuttgarter Morphologisches Analysewerkzeug | SMOR ist eine deutsche Finite-State-Morphologie, die von Helmut Schmid in SFST implementiert ist |
Semi-Markov Quotation Model | QSample is a natural language processing tool for automatically detecting quotations in text |
Simple Compound Splitting for German | Simple splitting method for German compounds which combines a basic frequency-based approach with a form-to-lemma mapping to approximate morphological operations |
SubCat-Extractor - Induction of Verb Subcategorisation from Dependency Parses | A tool to obtain verb subcategorisation data from parsed German corpora |
TAlib Tree Automata Library | Tree Automata Library |
TIGERSearch | The TIGER language - A Description Language for Syntax Graphs, Formal Definition |
TMV annotator | Tool for automatic annotation of tense, mood and voice for English, French and German |
Tiger2Dep | Tiger2Dep is a python program that converts the TiGer corpus to dependency format. |
TreeAnno | An annotation tool to annotate trees on top of texts |
TreeTagger - a language independent part-of-speech tagger | A tool for annotating text with part-of-speech and lemma information |
VPF - a graphical viewer for parse trees and parse forests | A graphical viewer for parse trees and parse forests |
Zubr | A toolkit for building semantic parsing models, especially models for doing semantic parsing in technical domains (e.g., text2code translation) |
rCAT – Relational Character Analysis Tool | Relational Character Analysis Tool |
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