International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications
- Editor in Chief
- Prof. Yi Pan
- ISSN online
- 1744-5493
- ISSN print
- 1744-5485
- 6 issues per year
- CiteScore 0.6 (2023)

Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary research field that combines biology, computer science, mathematics and statistics into a broad-based field that will have profound impacts on all fields of biology. The emphasis of IJBRA is on basic bioinformatics research methods, tool development, performance evaluation and their applications in biology. IJBRA addresses the most innovative developments, research issues and solutions in bioinformatics and computational biology and their applications.
Topics covered include
- Databases, bio-grid, system biology
- Biomedical image processing, modelling and simulation
- Bio-ontology and data mining, DNA assembly, clustering, mapping
- Computational genomics/proteomics
- Silico technology: computational intelligence, high performance computing
- E-health, telemedicine
- Gene expression, microarrays, identification, annotation
- Genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, neural networks, data visualisation
- Hidden Markov models, machine learning, support vector machines
- Molecular evolution, phylogeny, modelling, simulation, sequence analysis
- Parallel algorithms/architectures, computational structural biology
- Phylogeny reconstruction algorithms, physiome, protein structure prediction
- Sequence assembly, search, alignment
- Signalling/computational biomedical data engineering
- Simulated annealing, statistical analysis, stochastic grammars
The objectives of IJBRA are to develop, promote and coordinate the development and practice of bioinformatics and computational biology. IJBRA aims to help professionals working in the field, academic educators and policy-makers to contribute, to disseminate knowledge, and to learn from each other's work. The international dimension is emphasised in order to overcome cultural and national barriers and to meet the needs of accelerating technological change and changes in the global economy. IJBRA is an outstanding outlet that can shape a significant body of research in the field of bioinformatics and computational biology and in which results can be shared across institutions, governments, researchers and students, and also industry.
IJBRA provides a vehicle to help professionals, academics, researchers, graduate students, and managers, working in the field of bioinformatics and computational biology, to disseminate information and to learn from each other's work.
IJBRA publishes original and review papers, technical reports, case studies, conference reports, management reports, book reviews, and notes, commentaries, and news. Contribution may be by submission or invitation, and suggestions for special issues and publications are welcome.
IJBRA is indexed in:
- Scopus (Elsevier)
- Academic OneFile (Gale)
- ACM Digital Library
- Current Awareness in Biological Sciences (Elsevier)
- Chemical Abstracts (CAS)
- cnpLINKer (CNPIEC)
- DBLP Computer Science Bibliography
- Embase (Elsevier)
- Expanded Academic ASAP (Gale)
- OneFile Business (Gale)
- General OneFile (Gale)
- Google Scholar
- Info Trac (Gale)
- Inspec (Institution of Engineering and Technology)
- J-Gate
- io-port (FIZ Karlsruhe)
- ProQuest Advanced Technologies Database with Aerospace
IJBRA is listed in:
More journal lists/directories...Editor in Chief
- Pan, Yi, Georgia State University, USA
Executive Editor
- Wang, Jianxin, Central South University, China
Editorial Board Members
- Basu, Mitra, United States Naval Academy, USA
- Borodovsky, Mark, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
- Bystroff, Chris, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
- Chan, Keith C.C., The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China
- Chen, Jake Y., University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), USA
- Chen, Luonan, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, China
- Claridge, Ela, University of Birmingham, UK
- Corne, David, Heriot-Watt University, UK
- Dehne, Frank, Carleton University, Canada
- Guerra, Concettina, University of Padova, Italy
- Guo, Xuan, University of North Texas, USA
- Harrison, Robert, Georgia State University, USA
- He, Jieyue, Southeast University, China
- He, Matthew, Nova Southeastern University, USA
- Hsu, Wen-Lian, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Province of China
- Li, Min, Central South University, China
- Liang, Jie, Univeristy of Illinois at Chicago, USA
- Liu, Jun S., Harvard University, USA
- Luo, Jingchu, Peking University, China
- Mandoiu, Ion, University of Connecticut, USA
- Miyano, Satoru, The University of Tokyo, Japan
- Narasimhan, Giri, Florida International University, USA
- Nikravesh, Masoud, University of California, USA
- Niu, Tianhua, Harvard Medical School, USA
- Nussinov, Ruth, Tel Aviv University, USA
- Park, Haesun, National Science Foundation, USA
- Priami, Corrado, Università di Trento, Italy
- Rigoutsos, Isidore, Thomas Jefferson University, USA
- Singh, Mona, Princeton University, USA
- Srinivasan, N., Indian Institute of Science, India
- Szpankowski, Wojciech, Purdue University, USA
- Valencia, Alfonso, Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia (C.N.B. - C.S.I.C.), Spain
- Wang, Jason T. L., New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
- Wolfson, Haim J., Tel-Aviv University, Israel
- Wu, Weili, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
- Xiao, Linxia, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, China
- Xu, Ying, University of Georgia, USA
- Yang, Jack Y., University of California at San Diego, USA
- Yao, Xin, The University of Birmingham, UK
- Zelikovsky, Alexander, Georgia State University, USA
- Zhang, Aidong, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, USA
- Zhang, Louxin, National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Zheng, Hao, Hangzhou Nuowei Information Technology, China
- Zimmermann, Karl-Heinz, Technical University Hamburg-Harburg, Germany
- Zomaya, Albert, University of Sydney, Australia
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