Fulton County REMC held its annual meeting on June 25. A total of 311 registered members and their guests enjoyed elephant ears, cotton candy, snow cones, Silly Safaris, fellowship with friends and neighbors, and lots of prizes. All registered members also received a one-time $25 bill credit on their July bills.
Attendees re-elected fellow members Virgil Biddinger, district one; Dennis Burton, district three; Eric Walsh, district five; and John Haschel, district seven. Each director will represent our members on the Fulton County REMC board for three-year terms. Members voted for directors during registration, which began at 6 p.m.
There was an open gym with a bounce house, obstacle course, basketball and dodge ball for the children. Babystitting was provided before and during the meeting in the gym.
The meeting started at 7 p.m. The Boy Scout Troup #219 presented the colors, and the national anthem was led by three members of the Fulton County Choral Club — Joyce Jones, Sandra Hofferth and Linda Wade. Prizes were given, and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 8 p.m. We hope to see you all again next year.

The Fulton County REMC board of directors poses for a photo. Back row: Dennis Burton, Ron Jana, Leander Hoover and Eric Walsh. Front row: John Haschel, Joe Koch (CEO), Virgil Biddinger and Angie Miller.