General Manager
Clark County REMC is more than an electric company. We are a not-for-profit, member-owned electric cooperative. As a cooperative member, you have more influence on Clark County REMC than you might realize. Not only can you contact us to share your thoughts, ideas and experiences. You can also take part in guiding the direction of your co-op into the future. How? You can serve on our board of directors!
An REMC board member represents the interests and values of his/her fellow REMC members and helps make important decisions that impact all REMC members, such as company policies, electric rates, community involvement, and future plans. Board members are men and women dedicated to their cooperative, who give their time and energy to put Clark County REMC in the best position to succeed for years to come.
Who is qualified to apply to serve on the board of directors? You must be at least 18 years old and a member in good standing. Applications are being accepted now through Jan. 4, and you must live in District One (Vienna, Lexington, Johnson, Saluda, Washington, Bethlehem, and Owen townships) or District Two (Oregon and Charlestown townships). To apply, visit clarkremc.coop/directors and register for your nomination. All candidates must complete a questionnaire and receive at least 15 petition signatures from other REMC members.
The cooperative way of doing business is more important now than ever. Looking out for your neighbors and your community is the way we have operated since our founding in 1939. And thanks to the faithful service of our board of directors, we will continue serving our membership for many years to come.