The nominating committee met in January to gather a list of members who would be interested in serving as a director of Marshall County REMC. Pictured from left, back row, are Craig Hawley, Michael Fitterling and Merl Hayn. Pictured from left, front row, are Steve Roberts, Lowell Lemler, Mike Boys and Kaye Schultz.
The committee to nominate qualified candidates for a seat on the board for directors met on Friday, Jan. 12, at the Marshall County REMC building.
This year’s committee was made up of the following Marshall County REMC members: Michael Fitterling, Merl Hayn, Lowell Lemler, Kaye Schultz, Mike Boys, and Craig Hawley. Steve Roberts, who currently serves on the board of directors for Marshall County REMC, was also in attendance.
The nominating committee is responsible for gathering a list of members who have an interest in guiding the business of the co-op by serving as a director for Marshall County REMC.
The candidates who agree to run will be presented to the membership at the annual meeting to be held on Tuesday, April 3. Member-owners will have the opportunity to cast their vote in the election.
Thank you to the Marshall County REMC members who volunteered to participate on the nominating committee!