This June, Kankakee Valley REMC was honored to sponsor six students on a trip to Washington, D.C., as part of the Indiana Youth Tour. Youth Tour is a weeklong experience that allows high school students entering their senior year to visit historical monuments and museums, meet with Indiana’s congressional delegation on Capitol Hill, make lifelong friends, and much more.
This year’s attendees representing KV REMC were Crystal Centifanto and Theodore Hough, Indiana Connection Career Academy; Addison DeHaven and Nicholas Sears, Washington Township High School; Karissa Richardson, South Central High School; and Jordan Williams, Indiana Academy for Science Mathematics & Humanities.
“Kankakee Valley REMC is pleased to provide this opportunity to our local youth,” stated Amanda Steeb, director of marketing and communications for the co-op. “It’s a great trip and an excellent chance to see the sights, make new friends, and learn how everyone, even our youth, can make a difference in the political process.”
Students visited the Flight 93 Memorial, Gettysburg battlefield, Arlington National Cemetery, Mount Vernon, Marine Corps Museum, and U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.They also toured the National Mall memorials.
“At first, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go on the trip, there was so much to do at home with friends and family. But now looking back on it I am glad I had the opportunity to go to D.C.,” Jordan Williams reflected on her Youth Tour experience. “I met some amazing people and saw wonderful new things that I wouldn’t have been able to see if I hadn’t gone on Youth Tour. The delegates from Indiana and other states were so friendly and we still keep in touch. It was so fun trading state pins and cheering for Indiana during the Rally Day. I’ll never forget the beautiful sites and the great memories we made.”