The rapid growth of foliage with rising spring temperatures can cause real problems for electric cooperatives like LaGrange County REMC.
Years of experience and study have proven the safest and most efficient way to maintain power line rights-of-way is through careful use of herbicides.
Controlling more than 600 miles of lines and poles from high-growth vegetation assures safe access to the equipment for service work, reduces power outages and can actually enhance the natural habitat.
LaGrange County REMC uses non-restricted chemicals in our spraying application. The chemicals are scientifically designed to work on plants, not people or animals, and is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Our crew works with the LaGrange County Highway Department to perform right-of-way spraying throughout LaGrange County.
For those who have gardens or organic areas, our crews are careful not to spray in those areas, and anti-drift agents are also used in the herbicide mixture. To help, property owners should register their organic farms with the highway department and display proper “Do Not Spray” signs that are visible from the road.
With your help, LaGrange County REMC can reduce unwanted power interruptions and make right-of way maintenance a safe and effective program for everyone in our service area.