Focus Areas
The broad objective of the ICT is to advocate, through Constitutional and democratic means, the right of the Indic way of life to exist and thrive.
Ushering in an Indic Renaissance
Given the rapidly shrinking space for Indic thought, values and worldview in the land of its birth, coupled with the absence of a professional and concerted response to the unconstitutional and illegal encroachment of the Indic space on various fronts, it has become imperative to channel Indic aspirations and energies in the right direction. The ICT depends on transparent crowd-funding to sustain its legal and advocacy initiatives.

Freeing Hindu Religious Institutions from unconstitutional State control
Illegal immigrants
Deportation of illegal immigrants posing a threat to demographic balance & national security
Free Speech
Repealment of outmoded “blasphemy laws” that curb Freedom of Expression
Illegal or fraudulent conversions of adherents of Indic faiths to non-Indic faiths
Unconstitutional treatment of Indic educational institutions
Retrieval of stolen Indic religious and cultural artefacts