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You're in the evil's mind. There's no escape. You're not sure what to do. You have to fight your fears, to your hell and to the evil itself. You're dead.

Report RSS Update 2: Flying Enemies and Info

Yes, there will be flying enemies in "Evil". Also new Concept Arts and info.

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Update 2: Flying Enemies and Info

Greetings again!

First of all, I'm excited to say that we are in the Top 100 of the most popular games on the page, currently ranked 60. It's amazing how it has grown the popularity of this game in two days. Incredible. I hope to continue growing as it is doing now.

Second, it has been added a new Concept Art of The Trickle, the first monster in the game. In the previous update I showed a 3D model of the monster. Really creepy huh.

Third... new enemy in the game! This time is a flying monster called Deadfly. It may seem harmless, but be warned that it is not.

Here the sample of a 3D model:

Fourth, shortly before creating a FAQ, I wanted to clarify some important things about the game. "Evil" is a indie horror game mixed with platforms. It could be like a Silent Hill + Some really cool weird mod/game (AoM, Grey, Cry of Fear, a bit of LSD Dream Emulator...) to take some similar games and to give you ideas. There's an new ambient sound in the Video section. Possibly you think in those games when you listen to that music.

Last, there are people who ask about the release date. Guys, the game has begun its development just over a week, I can't say an exact date. But perhaps in mid-2013.

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RoboTyphoon - - 660 comments

What about Steam Greenlight? You should put it up, I mean, soon at least.

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recklessvillen - - 13 comments

Game was not the best but I enjoyed it. Youtu.be

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