Hi there! My name Is Brian Dempsey and I am an aspiring author, Reiki healer, practicing occultist, philosopher, husband, and father of 6. I currently reside near Pittsburgh PA., run heavy equipment and work well over 80 hours a week. For the last year and a half, I have been working on various writing projects, one of which is the book you see here in my campaign.
been raised in a conservative Christian home, I struggled with
spiritual and emotional ignorance well into adulthood. The missed
opportunity for true love, unanswered questions , misguided
decisions, and a hellish relationship of 13 years, which nearly destroyed me, led me to question
everything. In the end I found it all; peace, love,
an endless spring of knowledge, personal power, and the revelation
something far greater and ancient than I had ever known was at the
helm of my life from the very
beginning. Our perceptions of this world are twisted by fear and
illusion, and for good reason. The greatest conspiracy of ancient
tyranny was to conceal the very esoteric truths which would
liberate mankind from its own evil. In
essence, that truth is
the Light in the darkness. My goal is to get this one book edited and published so I can get my other projects finished and out into the world. I am half way through my second book, have an opening chapter and outline for a major suspense novel, and the material for an esoteric grimoire for those who are more occult minded. It all hinges on this one hurdle. This one book.
What I Need & What You Get
I am asking the entire world for a modest 3500 dollars which is the total cost quoted to me by a professional editor to have the book completely edited and rewritten in spots if need be, and get it one step from final print. The bill for the last step before print can usually be picked up by the publisher, or I can choose to self publish. Either way, the editing will ensure it is a fantastic book! If by chance there is an overage of funds, those funds will immediately be used to get my next book to print. Once I have a few books printed and in distribution, I can hopefully focus on broader writing projects, speaking, and teaching seminars on spiritual growth.
The Impact
My passion is spirituality, people, and their well being, no matter what path anyone may follow. Darkness and fear are very real things in this world, and I conquered my fear to find peace in what many would call darkness. I had to shift my perceptions of the world around me, and I wish to help those in need do the same as well, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Risks & Challenges
For the amount of money I am seeking I do not see a very large risk. I have a deep confidence in the book and that it will reach a broad audience. If the campaign is a success, any abundant overage will immediately be put right back into the next book project, perks for that project, and perhaps additional secret perks for this one. Which is why I have noted the need for a shipping address on the smaller contributions. :)
But it is a challenge, just to get your story and first book to print. If the challenges arise, I will meet them head on, regroup, and execute a new plan. Nothing has stopped me thus far, and it would seem I have the energy and blessing of the universe behind me!
Other Ways You Can Help
Give what you can and what you are led to. If you cant, but wish to help out, please share my story with others and encourage them to forward the message. Every little bit helps and your small part is essential!