
Prof. João Paulo Carvalho has a PhD (2002), a MSc (1996) and an Electrical and Computer Engineer (1992) degree from Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal (Técnico Lisboa), where he is currently a Tenured Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He has lectured courses on Computational Intelligence, Distributed Systems, Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer, Computer Architectures and Digital Circuits since 1999.

He is a researcher and Director of INESC-ID, where he has coordinated 5 funded research projects and participated in more than a dozen national and European funded projects.

He was listed in the “World’s Top 2% Scientists” both for “2020 and 2021 impact” and “Career Impact in 2021 and 2022” in his field (Elsevier, Stanford University).

His current main research interests involve developing and applying new Computational Intelligence techniques to natural language processing, text mining, social network analysis, social sciences and earth sciences. He has authored over 140 papers in international scientific Journals, books and peer-reviewed conferences. He is Area Editor of Fuzzy Sets and Systems and was Associate Editor of 2 other international Journals.  He was the General Chair of IPMU2024 and IPMU2020, Program co-Chair and organizer of IFSA-EUSFLAT2009, Webchair of the 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Computation, Publicity-chair of FUZZ-IEEE2015 and FUZZ-IEEE2017, Program-Chair of IPMU2016, PR and Publicity-chair of IEEE-WCCI2017, and is a PC member of more than 30 international conferences.