Parallel and Distributed Processing Group


The Parallel and Distributed Processing Group (GPPD) is a research group in the Informatics Institute at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), in Porto Alegre, Brazil. It is part of the PPGC, one of the top five graduate programs in Computer Science in Brazil, as rated by CAPES. The group is engaged in international collaborations through research projects and student exchange. Long-time partners include France, Germany, Spain, and the USA.

Research Areas

The GPPD aims at finding solutions to problems from these areas, seeking to conduct research with high quality and scientific relevance.




High Performance

FoG & Edge


The GPPD consists of a group of professors who act as advisers of the Graduate Program in Computing (PPGC) at UFRGS, lecture at Institute of Informatics' courses and work in the research group.
The '+' button, when available, opens a new page with more information on a member's research topic.

Lucas Mello Schnorr


Francis Birck Moreira

Ph.D Student
Advisor Philippe Navaux
Co-Tutelle Israel Koren (University of Massachusetts)

Arthur Mittmann Krause

Master's Student
Advisor Philippe Navaux

Matheus da Silva Serpa

Ph.D Student
Advisor Philippe Navaux
Co-Advisor Antonio Carlos Schneider Beck

Cristiano Alex Künas

Ph.D Student
Advisor Philippe Navaux

Jean Luca Bez

Ph.D Student
Advisor Philippe Navaux
Co-Advisor Francieli Boito

Kassiano Matteussi

Ph.D Student
Advisor Claudio Geyer

Vinícius Garcia Pinto

Postdoctoral Researcher
Supervisor Lucas Mello Schnorr
Co-Tutelle Arnaud Legrand (Univ. Grenoble Alpes)

Julio C. S. dos Anjos

Postdoctoral Researcher
Supervisor Claudio Geyer

Breno Fanchiotti Zanchetta

Master's Student
Advisor Claudio Geyer

Rodrigo Barcelo dos Passos

Master's Student
Advisor Claudio Geyer

Eduardo Roloff

Ph.D Student
Advisor Philippe Navaux
Co-Advisor Luciano Paschoal Gaspary

Jobe Diego Dylbas dos Santos

Undergraduate Student
Advisor Claudio Geyer

João Luiz Grave Gross

Master's Student
Advisor Claudio Geyer

Hélio Carlos Brauner Filho

Master's Student
Advisor Claudio Geyer

Jorge Ximendes Silva Junior

Master's Student
Advisor Claudio Geyer

Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux

Full Professor

Claudio Fernando Resin Geyer

Full Professor

Alexandre da Silva Carissimi

Full Professor

Nicolas Maillard


Pablo José Pavan

Master's Student
Advisor Philippe Navaux
Co-Advisor Francieli Boito

Bruno Machado Morales

Master's Student
Advisor Philippe Navaux

Thiago Da Silva Araújo

Master's Student
Advisor Philippe Navaux

Gabriel Freytag

Ph.D Student
Advisor Philippe Navaux
Co-Advisor Paolo Rech

Lucas Leandro Nesi

Ph.D Student
Advisor Lucas Schnorr
Co-Tutelle Arnaud Legrand (Univ. Grenoble Alpes)

Guilherme Rezende Alles

Master's Student
Advisor Lucas Schnorr

Anderson Mattheus Maliszewski

Master's Student
Advisor Philippe Navaux
Co-Advisor Dalvan Griebler (PUCRS)

Marcelo Cogo Miletto

Master's Student
Advisor Lucas Schnorr

Astélio José Weber Júnior

Undergraduate Student
Advisor Claudio Geyer

Felipe de Almeida Graeff

Undergraduate Student
Advisor Philippe Navaux
Matheus Serpa

Henrique Corrêa Pereira da Silva

Undergraduate Student
Advisor Lucas Schnorr

Gessica Franciéle Mendonça Azevedo

Undergraduate Student
Advisor Philippe Navaux
Jean Bez

Matheus Woeffel Camargo

Undergraduate Student
Advisor Philippe Navaux
Matheus Serpa

Valéria Soldera Girelli

Undergraduate Student
Advisor Philippe Navaux
Francis Moreira

Danilo Santos

Postdoctoral Researcher
Supervisor Philippe Navaux

Jessica Imlau Dagostini

Master Student
Supervisor Lucas Schnorr

Félix Dal Pont Michels Júnior

Master Student
Supervisor Philippe Navaux

Ana Luísa Veroneze Solórzano

Master Student
Supervisor Lucas Mello Schnorr

Previous Members

The GPPD had several collaborators throughout the years. You can find more information about them below.

Maycon Viana Bordin

"A benchmark suite for distributed stream processing systems"
Advisor Claudio Geyer
Year 2017

Rodrigo Santos de Souza

"Um middleware para internet das coisas com suporte ao processamento distribuído do contexto"
Advisor Claudio Geyer
Year 2017

Guilherme Antonio Borges

"Uma proposta de mecanismo de autoadaptação para sistemas de sensoriamento urbano"
Advisor Claudio Geyer
Year 2017

Anubis G. de M. Rossetto

"Impact FD: an unreliable failure detector based on process relevance and confidence in the system"
Advisor Claudio Geyer
Year 2016

João L. Barbará Lopes

"Uma arquitetura para provimento de ciência de situação direcionada às aplicações Ubíquas na infraestrutura da internet das coisas"
Advisor Claudio Geyer
Year 2016

Carlos Oberdan Rolim

"Uso de sensibilidade à situação em redes oportunistas para intensificar a comunicação de dados em aplicações de sensoriamento urbano"
Advisor Claudio Geyer
Year 2016

Carlos E. Benevides Bezerra

"Scalable state-machine replication"
Advisor Claudio Geyer
Year 2016

Valderi R. Q. Leithardt

"UbiPri - Middleware para controle e gerenciamento de privacidade em ambientes ubíquos"
Advisor Claudio Geyer
Year 2015

Fábio Reis Cecin

"A peer-to-peer simulation technique for instanced massively multiplayer games"
Advisor Claudio Geyer
Year 2015

Paulo Souza Junior

"A data-driven dispatcher for Big Data applications in Heterogeneous Systems"
Advisor Claudio Geyerr
Year 2018

Víctor E. M. Abaunza

"Performance optimization of geophysics stencils on HPC architectures"
Advisor Philippe Navaux
Co-Advisor Fabrice Dupros (BRGM)
Year 2018

Gabriel Bronzatti Moro

"Uso das características computacionais de regiões paralelas OpenMP para redução do consumo de energia"
Advisor Lucas Mello Schnorr
Year 2018

Vinícius R. Machado

Undergraduate Student
Advisor Philippe Navaux
Co-Advisor Francieli Boito
Year 2017

Emmanuell Diaz Carreño

"Automatic communication optimization of parallel appications in public clouds"
Advisor Philippe Navaux
Year 2016

Francieli Zanon Boito

Francieli Zanon Boito

"Transversal I/O scheduling for parallel file systems: from applications to devices"
Advisor Philippe Navaux
Year 2015

Matthias Diener

"Automatic Task and Data Mapping in Shared Memory Architectures"
Advisor Philippe Navaux
Year 2015

Eduardo H. M. da Cruz

"Online thread and data mapping using the memory management unit"
Advisor Philippe Navaux
Year 2016

Rafael Keller Tesser

"A simulation workflow to evaluate the performance of dynamic load balancing with over decomposition for iterative parallel applications"
Advisor Philippe Navaux
Co-Advisor Fabrice Dupros (BRGM)
Year 2018

Rodrigo Virote Kassick

"Reconfiguração Automática de I/O para Aplicações Paralelas no Sistema de Arquivos dNFSp2"
Advisor Philippe Navaux
Year 2010

Eduardo Ramalho Guerra

Undergraduate Student
Advisor Philippe Navaux
Year 2018

Eduarda Guimarães da Trindade

Undergraduate Student
Advisor Philippe Navaux
Year 2018

Daniel A. G. de Oliveira

"Hardening Strategies for HPC Applications"
Advisor Philippe Navaux
Co-Advisor Paolo Rech
Year 2017

Otávio Moraes de Carvalho

"A model for distributed data aggregation in edge and cloud environments"
Advisor Philippe Navaux
Year 2018


The GPPD has some interesting projects in collaboration with institutions, industry, and the government.
You can find more information about each one of them by clicking on it.

Petrobras Exaflop

Paralelismo, Portabilidade e Eficiência de Aplicações Sísmicas de Larga Escala em Arquiteturas Exaflop

HCPA Retinopatia

Detecção de Retinopatia Diabética usando Aprendizado de Máquina em GPUs


Computação em Cloud com Computação Sustentável


Data Science


The GPPD has a total of 816 CPU cores (2176 threads) and 80.192 GPU cores (CUDA threads), over 38 computational nodes.