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Social Science Archive
How the Brazen Bull Works
The Ancient Greeks found creative ways to punish their enemies. The Brazen Bull was a torture and execution device used by the Ancient Greeks and later the Romans which was […]
The History of Ink and Paper
Printer inks have become an indispensable part of the working office, commercial establishment and even homes. Busy consumers are able to buy ink for their printers within minutes online; but […]
Bitcoin’s Price Bottom in a Visual
Bitcoin is a global payment system which uses blockchain technology to verify transactions. Every user on the chain agrees that each transaction occurred through consensus. Some individuals run “miners” which […]
Visualizing USA Trade with China
The United States of America is a net importer to the tune of $2.19 trillion dollars. The USA mainly imports from Canada, China, Mexico, and Japan. China imports $1.16 trillion […]
The Science of Procrastination
Procrastination is defined as, “the practice of delaying or postponing an action” or “putting off doing something until the last possible second.” The term is commonly associated with laziness and […]