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Início Apresentações How to Improve UX with Machine Learning: Insights and learnings until now

How to Improve UX with Machine Learning: Insights and learnings until now



It is important to explore some of the technical properties and constraints of machine learning systems and how this implies in designing the user experience. How to develop a design approach around these technologies? Also, how to incorporate the power of machine learning into UX work? The idea is to bring insights and notes on these issues.


Designer with M.S. in Communication and Semiotics, speaker and has more than 12 years of experience. A consultant for sprint design and UX/UI design projects in companies and startups and also works in UX mentoring for startups. Professor of IED postgraduate studies and the FIAP MBA, as well as teaching at UX bootcamps.

Sobre o Evento

Nos dias 29 e 30 de setembro de 2018 aconteceu a segunda edição do The Conf, com uma grade 100% de pessoas brasileiras, apresentando temas de tecnologia que vai de Web, a Games, a Data Sciences, mas apresentado inteiramente em inglês. O evento contou com aproximadamente 30 palestras, em 2 dias inteiros, com 2 tracks paralelas apresentadas simultâneamente.

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17 jul 2019